European Display Spend Upto €5.8 Billion, As Germany Remains The Biggest Market In Europe
by Ciaran O'Kane on 29th Sep 2011 in News

There is very little data on the European display market as a whole - except of course for the excellent IAB Europe AdEx report. It details all the markets in Europe across the various channel. The survey runs from mid-2010 to mid-2011 so these figures are pretty much up-to-date. The headline number for display in Europe is now €5.8 Billion - a 21.1% growth on last year's figures. It's difficult to acertain how much traditional display has really grown, as there is no break out numbers for Facebook. I think the IAB will have to do this next year - so we can a real feel for how the different channels are faring in terms of media spend. I have produced a chart of the top performing countries in the market. The UK and Germany are way out ahead, clocking in at just over 1 billion euro each. France comes in at third - closely followed by Italy. It is surprising that Italy never really registers on anyone's radar eventhough its display market is only one hundred million less than France. ExchangeWire will do more eye candy charts of the regional markets, like CEE and Scandinavia, next week.
European Display Spend - Top Performers
Note: All figures are in the millions of euros
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