Invite Media Hire Paul Turner As They Enter The European Market
by Ciaran O'Kane on 4th Dec 2009 in News
Invite Media announced this morning that Paul Turner will head up their European operations in London. Invite Media launched their universal platform earlier this year, and now help over thirty US agencies to trade across multiple exchange and inventory sources. It will be interesting to see where they’re going to position themselves in the UK and European markets. A lot of the UK agencies are still not set up for exchange-trading and will require a lot of guidance and assistance.
Turner has worked at Right Media over two years. His present role is focused on client strategy and business development for the European and Asian markets. He is an influential figure in the European exchange space, and is well-placed to sell the Invite Media platform into top-tier agencies. Turner is expected to work in Right Media until the end of the year, and will take up his new role with Invite Media at the beginning of 2010.
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