
The MadTech Podcast Special LIVE: Cannes Social 2024

In a special live recording of The MadTech Podcast Special at Cannes Social 2024 by ExchangeWire and FirstPartyCapital, ExchangeWire CEO Rachel Smith is joined by Luci Dalgety, global digital sponsorship lead, euronews, Mike Follett, MD, Lumen, and Michael Shang SVP, advertising technologies, StackAdapt, to discuss use of made-for-advertising (MFA) sites and global advertising revenue.

An average of 15.3% of ads are placed on MFA sites

In one of many findings from The MFA Report 2024, despite exhibiting a high degree of confidence in transparency around programmatic media investments, surveyed media buyers reported that, on average, 15.3% of their ads are placed on made-for-advertising websites.

What needs to be done to remove reliance on, or covert use of, MFA sites? How can metrics like attention reduce their use?

Global ad revenue predicted to pass USD$1tn for first time in 2025

According to GroupM, global advertising revenue is expected to increase by 6.8% next year, meaning it is on track to hit USD$1.1tn (£864.4bn) in 2025. This rise comes a year ahead of earlier forecasts.

Is this a big reason to be cheerful? How might this rise in spend manifest itself? Where will the money go?