
Yieldmo & NumberEight Achieve a 130% Surge in Ad Spend on In-App Inventory

In a pioneering move to redefine mobile advertising, Yieldmo has partnered with NumberEight to tackle the complex challenges of mobile addressability, achieving a significant 130% increase in advertising spend for in-app inventory. This notable growth was primarily driven by an increase in in-app inventory addressability.

This strategic collaboration not only addresses key industry hurdles, such as the depreciation of identifiers by Apple and Google, but also the emerging challenges related to proposals limiting tracking by IP addresses, casting doubts on the future of mobile addressability. Despite these obstacles, the partnership has capitalised on the booming potential of in-app advertising, projected to exceed 70% of global digital ad spend by 2028. The NumberEight contextual mobile solution, unaffected by IP deprecation and ID-less by default, ensures advertisers can still maximise the full potential of mobile advertising without reliance on conventional tracking methods.

The partnership has already yielded groundbreaking results by combining the latest industry standards, such as the IAB content taxonomy with extensive app store metadata and advanced Gen-AI modeling. By leveraging large language models (LLMs), Yieldmo and NumberEight have transformed vast amounts of unstructured data into valuable insights, leading to more effective and contextually relevant targeting while adhering to stringent privacy standards. 

Impactful Outcomes:

  • 28% increase in campaign revenue: The enhanced targeting capabilities have unlocked new revenue streams, reflecting a robust growth in monetization opportunities.
  • Doubling of in-app inventory effectiveness: With a 121% increase in in-app addressability, the availability, and effectiveness of in-app inventory have significantly improved, boosting campaign reach and effectiveness.
  • 198% surge in advertiser engagement: The innovative approach has dramatically increased bid responses, indicating a heightened interest and engagement from advertisers eager to utilise this new ad ecosystem.

Mark McEachran, SVP of product at Yieldmo, praised the partnership, stating, "The collaboration with NumberEight has been a game-changer, driving a 130% increase in in-app ad spend and significantly enhancing revenue on initial campaigns. Their cutting-edge contextual solution has been instrumental in expanding our reach and driving highly impactful campaign performance across our platforms."

Abhishek Sen, CEO and co-founder of NumberEight, shared: “The future of the mobile industry is bright with partners such as Yieldmo leading the way by adopting the latest Gen-AI advancements to increase campaign effectiveness and reach across their platforms. Excited for what’s coming next!”


NumberEight is a pioneering behavioural intelligence company that has reimagined identity by transforming seemingly senseless data from sensors, ad requests, and content information into meaningful insights. Their innovative approach empowers publish...
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