Kate Herbert: Talks Best Practices For Publishers On The New DoubleClick V2 Ad Exchange
by Ciaran O'Kane on 10th Feb 2010 in News
Kate Herbert is Director of Client Services, DoubleClick Ad Exchange
DoubleClick recently retired version 1 of the DoubleClick Ad Exchange and has successfully migrated v1 buyers and publishers to v2. We're pleased to report that our v1 buyers are now transacting on v2 and publishers should begin to see more spend from key buyers who are preparing to launch real-time bidding. With this new start, it's a good time to review some best practices for publishers to optimize yield management.
As a publisher that is interested in growing your business and improving your operational processes, here is how we think you can best take advantage of our Ad Exchange solution.
Use Dynamic Allocation to Maximize Yield from Every Channel
In DFP, set your priority level below your guaranteed inventory, but high enough to give Ad Exchange a chance to compete for pre-emptible inventory. You can then create a corresponding ad unit to take advantage of dynamic allocation. We recommend that you create long orders in DFP that won't require maintenance, because Ad Exchange does not have start and end dates for ad units.
Configure the Ad Review Center to best suit your business
Consider reducing the time frame for reviewing ads; we recommend 24 hours. You can also choose to run ads immediately instead of holding them. This maximizes your earnings potential by allowing ads to run without delay, which is especially important for campaigns that are only scheduled to run for a short time. . You can review ads that have already run and select those groups you want to allow or block in the future.
Set up ad units with hybrid pricing
An ad unit can be offered as anonymous, branded, or both; create a single ad unit and specify different minimum CPMs. This allows you to maximize yield for every impression, create a min CPM for branded, and get the most value for your brand name inventory from buyers willing to pay a premium.
Lower your minimum CPMs
As v2 ramps up, consider reducing your minimum CPMs for both anonymous and branded inventory in order to increase fill rates. The lower your minimums, the more transactions you're likely to get. Exchanges are subject to the basic prinicples of economics. Think of the elasticity of demand. One best practice would be to lower your anonymous mins as much as you can and forego some CPM in order to make it up in volume. You can then set a higher minimum for you branded inventory, inventory that you sell directly as well. We've seen from experience on v1 that new inventory, a reduction in Min CPMs (per elasticity) and an increase in liquidity can significantly grow overall revenue.
Review your restrictions
Consider allowing text ads to run and limiting your list of restricted advertisers in order to potentially increase fill rates.
Audience Extension: Using BFP and the AdExchange
Identify your sites' most desirable users, such as Auto Enthusiasts, for example. Leverage BFP to deliver ads to these users on your site and within your extended network (on-site and cross-site) Then, use the DoubleClick AdExchange to find Auto Enthusiasts on the exchange, buy the associated impressions, and resell them to your advertisers at a profit. This allows you to target the most valuable users, no matter where they may be on the web.
We'll continue to share more best practices as we get more buyers and sellers transacting on the Ad Exchange.
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