
Julian Tol Discusses The Brandscreen DSP Roll Out Across The APAC Region

Julian Tol is the Co-founder & CEO at BRANDSCREEN. Here he discusses the Brandscreen DSP roll-out across the APAC region

You recently announced that you have launched across APAC region? How many countries are you now servicing in the region?

The total is 15 countries; Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. In top-line numbers, that translates into an online population of 805,018,922, where we serve 617,234,070 uniques on a monthly basis, providing a net reach across the region of 72.1 %.

What does this mean for ad exchange trading in the region?

For BRANDSCREEN, it's the most significant inflection point in our four years of R&D, engineering, construction and early growth. We are the only Asia-based enterprise-grade DSP in the world, so it feels right that we are first to market across Asia. In purely commercial terms for Asia, it's the moment that the Ad Exchange ecosystem goes genuinely live, at full-speed, and at scale, For the first time ever, advertisers can plan exchange and data driven audience buys at a price and scale previously not possible. For those in the region not familiar with the way this has changed the media buying landscape in the US, think about this: In March 2010 3% of traded inventory was transacted via a real time exchange. Today, 15 months later, 64% of traded inventory is RTB. The effect on performance campaigns has been swift and radical. Such is the efficiency gains from RTB that average CPAs are down by around 30%. And being delivered at scale. That is a true game-changer.

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