
PubMatic Receives Compliance Certification for IAB Tech Lab’s Open Measurement SDK

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Premium digital technology company, PubMatic, has announced that it has achieved certification for IAB Tech Lab’s Open Measurement SDK Integration Validation Compliance (IVC) for Display ad formats. By supporting this initiative, PubMatic will help drive improved in-app viewability and verification to ensure quality and trust in this growing channel. This certification comes in the midst of PubMatic’s continued commitment to enforcing industry quality and transparency initiatives, such as the IAB Tech Lab’s App-ads.txt specification, Sellers.JSON and Supply Chain Object.

Open Measurement SDK (OM SDK) is the IAB Tech Lab’s scalable solution for a single SDK to cover all in-app viewability and verification. It is designed to facilitate third-party viewability and verification vendors to measure impressions for ads served to mobile app environments without requiring their own SDK. By achieving this compliance certification, PubMatic is continuing to focus on driving more effective mobile advertising and helping advertisers realize the potential mobile can offer.

“Previously, viewability measurement for mobile apps was dependent on integrating several providers’ SDKs,” said Dennis Buchheim, Executive Vice President and General Manager, IAB Tech Lab. “Conversations about in-app measurement have become increasingly frequent and important as mobile usage continues to grow. Our certification program validates the integrity of a measurement provider’s implementation of the OM SDK, giving buyers more confidence in the results.”

“We are excited to announce our IAB Tech Lab OM SDK compliance certification which comes at an important time where assurances in mobile app measurement and quality are a necessity,” said Mike Chowla, Senior Director, Product Management at PubMatic. “With this achievement it is critical that we accelerate the growth of programmatic with more transparency, all which lead to the overall success of our in-app publisher and developer clients.”