Prebid Mobile for Header Bidding: How to Add PubNative as a Bidder
by News
on 18th May 2020 in
As part of the Prebid Mobile Committee, PubNative encourages mobile publishers to implement in-app bidding with support and ease, allowing increased access to buyers.
As strong advocates for transparency in the mobile advertising ecosystem, PubNative actively contributes to, an open-source product suite created to enable publishers to adopt header bidding on websites and apps. Prebid was founded in 2017 with a mission to build a community-driven organization that would address and combat the industry-wide challenges that came with the complexities of header bidding.
Adding PubNative as a demand source
App developers or publishers with the Prebid Mobile SDK integrated, a configured Prebid Server and with an Ad Server SDK (eg. MoPub) can add PubNative as a new bidder. See below for an overview of how the process works.
Adding PubNative is simple - if you already have line items created, you can edit and add PubNative configuration in the Prebid Server. If you’re adding PubNative config parameters to a new line item, check out the step-by-step guide here. Once added, please consult your account manager at PubNative to confirm.
What are the benefits of adopting prebid mobile?
Prebid Mobile pools together the best resources to streamline the implementation of mobile header bidding to a simple lightweight SDK, which, once installed, publishers can easily enable demand sources and manage configurations server-side. This can be done without the need to update your mobile app when making changes and adding a bidder. As the collection of Prebid products are all open-source, this provides a transparent solution that reduces latency and ad operations burden.
See the full documentation and detailed guide from PubNative.
"We have considerable experience with different bidding solutions since the beginning of this technology in mobile. We’ve tried earlier versions of Prebid SDK since 2016 (when it was still called PriceCheck SDK). Now it's a strong and stable in-app solution for bidding which we have been using for more than one year, and have tried a lot of different bidders.
The integration of PubNative as one of the bidders was smooth and easy with no common technical issues like discrepancies, high latencies and so on. As we had previously worked with PubNative in waterfall via JS tags, the new integration helped us to reduce significantly the total time to get a banner, the number of requests and other technical difficulties related to waterfall and JS tags." said Sergei Efimov, CRO at FunCorp
“We began the Prebid Mobile for Header Bidding integration with PubNative over three months ago and we’ve seen results in fill ratio for almost all our countries globally.” said Svetlana Verpakhovskaya, head of monetisation ASKfm
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