
Cheetah Digital Study Reveals Customer Engagement Challenges for Marketers in the UK

Cheetah Digital, a cross-channel customer engagement solution provider for the modern marketer, has released its 2022 Digital Consumer Trends Index: UK edition

 The study found that UK consumers trust ads less and prefer ‘hyper-personalised’ brand experiences and interact with a brand on multiple channels, oftentimes unpredictably.

“First and foremost, marketers need to create a strategy that involves getting closer to their customers. Customers are saying, ‘We’re happy to provide our data and sign up to your marketing programme in exchange for offers sent directly to me that are relevant,’” says Nick Watson, VP of client success at Cheetah Digital.

“When done correctly, loyalty programmes govern the value exchange between brands and consumers, and not just for a single interaction but for direct engagement over the customer lifetime. With contextually differentiated, personalised experiences, they can be the conduit for the one-to-one relationships that build customer lifetime value.” 

Based on the UK edition of the 2022 Digital Consumer Trends Index:

Email marketing reigns supreme

Email continues to sit comfortably as UK consumers’ preferred channel for receiving offers, content, incentives, and rewards from brands, the report shows. In fact, when it comes to driving sales, email beats paid social and display advertising by up to 128% in the UK. This is 20% higher than consumers globally, 57% higher than France, and more than double that of Spain (62%).

Price isn’t the only loyalty driver

The cheapest price point is only one factor of loyalty. In the current environment, UK consumers are loyal to brands that create emotive bonds by fostering community, recognising their customers as individuals, and delivering bespoke offers and product recommendations that reflect this. Even more, 61% of UK consumers are willing to pay more to purchase from a trusted brand, whereas only 53% of Spanish and 40% of French consumers are. Globally, that figure comes in at 57%.

Greater personalisation yields ROI and long-term consumer excitement

In the value exchange economy, UK consumers are rewarding brands that make personalisation a priority, with more than half saying they will trade personal and preference data to feel part of a brand’s community. At the same time, there’s been nearly a 60% increase in UK consumers who feel frustrated with a brand whose personalisation initiatives don’t recognise their unique desires and needs. In Spain, there was a 50% increase, and in France, the increase was even more substantial, coming in at 82%. Globally, there was a 52% increase. 

Trust in advertising on the decline

As Google and other browsers cement their plans to comprehensively curtail third-party cookie tracking, and consumers get even more proactive about protecting their online privacy, marketers must shift to a first- and zero-party data strategy to power their advertising and marketing initiatives. More than 60% of UK consumers don’t trust social media platforms with their data, and they’re in good company with 53% of Spanish consumers and 66% of French consumers, revealing the same. 

Access the UK data findings here.

 Access the global findings here.