Adomik Launches a New App for Publishers to Maximise Their Open Auction Revenue
by News
on 3rd May 2022 in
Adomik, the leading ad tech software developer and provider of smart advertising analytics, announces the release of an exclusive new product to optimise the yield of publishers with programmatic advertising activity. The product is dedicated to all publishers’ yield and ad operations teams.
The new app, named Yield, complements the Adomik app suite, already addressing reporting challenges, benchmarking via market data insights, sales opportunity detection, deal and PMP troubleshooting, and detection of issues affecting publishers’ stack.
“We are thrilled to launch Adomik Yield, a solution helping publishers to implement the best revenue-generating yield strategies”, said Jean-François Bernard, chief product officer and co-founder at Adomik.
Adomik Yield enables publishers to maximise their open auction revenue, with dynamic optimisation of their header bidding setup and advertising stack. Publishers receive automated recommendations powered by machine learning with an estimated lift on their revenue, allowing them to optimise the set of prebid bidders, time-out settings, user ID modules, etc. per environment - such as desktop web, mobile web, in-app, per audience type such as cookie or cookieless.
Publishers can also easily launch A/B tests to test any change to their prebid setup before implementation, and assess the holistic impact on revenue.
YIELD offers fully transparent prebid data analytics in a user-friendly UI with unified dashboards across prebid revenue, bid-level prebid activity, and audience analytics data; allowing publishers to analyse latency or the granular evolution of the bidding patterns of their bidder, and troubleshoot all hidden issues negatively affecting their revenue.
"There are several best practices that we recommend", said Walter Timmermans, product director at Adomik. "Optimise your prebid setup to ensure revenue monetisation, analyse the behaviour of header bidders, detect and troubleshoot issues in the header, and test all your yield strategies before implementation."
Publishers using Adomik Yield will benefit from:
- Improved site latency and user experience for growing their traffic
- Troubleshooting of the technical issues affecting their prebid setup
- Implementation of the optimal combination of bidders, ID modules, number of ad slots, client vs. server-side bidder activations, and other optimisation settings for web, mobile, and video environments
- Optimisation of open auction revenue
For publishers interested in learning more about how Adomik Yield can help them optimise their yield, visit
Header BiddingPrebidProduct LaunchProgrammaticPublisher
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