
TVP Talks - Getting to the Right Audience with CTV Advertising

TheViewPoint extends its series of educational webinars, TVP Talks, aimed at helping advertisers and publishers maximise the effectiveness of CTV advertising. This time, the team is hosting a Women in Ad Tech edition with CTV experts from Discovery, Innovid, and ShowHeroes moderated by TheViewPoint’s CMO Anna Koicheva. 

The first Women in Ad Tech session TVP Talks. Getting to the Right Audience with CTV Advertising will focus on CTV targeting opportunities. Experts will discuss differences and opportunities of CTV and Linear TV targeting, will touch base on the pros and cons of implementing automatic content recognition, contextual targeting, and the role of publisher first-party data. Moreover, panelists will cover CTV targeting strategies that ensure reaching relevant audiences on a large scale. Our expert guest panelists will include:



TVP Talks is an educational initiative for CTV advertising ecosystem players. Advertisers and agencies will have the opportunity to discover how to effectively use CTV ads in their strategies, as well as reach relevant audiences with their campaigns. Publishers will discover what measurement capabilities and tech updates are needed to segment their users, so advertisers can better target their audiences. As a result, both parties win - advertisers reach their audiences, while publishers increase their monetisation yields.

The webinar is free and open for all Ad Tech industry players who want to deepen their knowledge about CTV advertising and master CTV targeting.

Date: May 26

Time: 12 PM ET

Duration: 40 minutes

Check details and register here.