RTB House Increases Role with Prebid.org as Technology Member
by News
on 1st Feb 2023 in
RTB House, a company providing cutting-edge, ad-buying solutions which use proprietary deep learning-powered technology, has increased the scope of its involvement with Prebid.org, becoming a Technology partner.
Prebid.org is a group of over 150 publishers, ad exchanges, buyer and third-party developers that support standardised, open-source solutions in programmatic advertising. Since 2017, its mission has been to eliminate poor industry standards and practices. Prebid.org manages Prebid.js, Prebid Mobile, Prebid SharedID, and Prebid Server, which are key pieces of technology allowing for easier implementation and execution of things like header bidding.
On 1 January 2023, RTB House became a Technology Member, which is a fully-fledged membership tier and brings a number of advantages:
- Prebid is the marketplace standard that allows all parties to transaction transparently and gives members the ability to make product additions
- RTB House can share its perspectives and experimental findings on key elements of proposals for the cookieless future, which may then inform decisions on the direction of prebid
- The company can directly participate in works adapting Prebid modules for the cookieless future
“The programmatic ecosystem is moving towards a more direct supply chain. RTB House has been co-creating this significant development in conjunction with Prebid for five years, and becoming a technology member allows us to drive discussions focused on the privacy-preserving advertising of tomorrow. Being a leader in the adoption of browser-side marketing APIs, positions us as a great partner for other Prebid members who wish to jointly prepare our industry for the upcoming changes,” explained Łukasz Włodarczyk, VP of programmatic ecosystem growth & innovation at RTB House.
RTB House uses proprietary DSP technology to buy inventory directly from publishers and has been running a Prebid adapter for five years. With an eye on strengthening its position as a leader in the use of privacy-preserving browser-side APIs, the company looks at its top-tier membership to Prebid.org as an opportunity to share its experiences and achievements with the entire community.
As the future of advertising becomes more collaborative between publishers and buyers, the Prebid framework offers a level playing field. Being a Technology Member allows companies such as RTB House to have a say in which direction the organisation goes, helping to outline the shape and goals of committees and working groups which will adapt technology or operations for the future.
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