ID5 Prebid Analytics Module Reveals a CPM Increase of Up to 365% for Publishers Leveraging Universal IDs
by News
on 18th Jul 2023 in
ID5, the market-leading identity provider for digital advertising, today (July 18th, 2023) announced the launch of an exclusive report harnessing prebid analytics data to assess the value of universal IDs for European publishers, revealing that media owners could expect an average win CPM increase of up to 365% by leveraging an alternative identifier.
As we near the cookie deprecation deadline, there is no doubt that more and more publishers are looking to universal IDs as an efficient and privacy-safe replacement for identifying users and optimising their inventory. However, publishers want to understand how much value these IDs really bring.
To answer this question, ID5 leveraged its recently launched prebid analytics module, which utilises data from publishers using prebid, to provide tangible insights into the value of universal identifiers. The data looks at the effects of using any ID across Europe, with regional breakdowns in the UK, France, Italy, Spain, and Germany.
Elements of analysis include looking at the effectual difference between using and not using an ID on average win CPM, bid density, and percentage of no bids. Although the report looks at the outcome of using any ID, the specific IDs assessed within this dataset include the ID5 ID, PubC ID, Identity Link ID, Criteo ID, Panorama ID, and Shared ID.
Results show that by leveraging an ID, UK publishers can expect to increase average win CPM by up to 406%, increase bid density by up to 1091% and decrease the percentage of no bids by up to -17%.
With these positive outcomes remaining steady across the board, this consistency is expected to continue across other regions as well. ID5 plans to share wider findings on ID performance in other geos with the digital advertising community.
“Publishers have been looking for concrete answers on the value universal IDs provide today,” said Caitlin Borgman, chief commercial officer, ID5. “This report offers a unique window into the real benefits that cookieless identifiers offer. For more publishers to measure similar results, an emphasis must be placed on ensuring that their ID(s) of choice is implemented and tested correctly,” added Borgman.
“Exploring new technologies and moving towards an entirely new way of working it’s never easy, but to produce the best results possible, getting all the steps right is crucial,” said Mathieu Roche, co-founder & CEO at ID5. “At ID5, we are committed to providing publishers with the guidance needed to understand the value of identifiers and to collaborate with them to unlock favourable outcomes,” added Roche.
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