Toutelatele Boosts Core Web Vitals by 57% with Viously's Optimised Video Player
by News
on 21st Jul 2023 in
Viously, a pioneer in optimised video technology for enhanced web performances, and Toutelatele, a leading television news feed, have joined forces to revolutionise user experience through improved web performance. Since integrating the Viously player, Toutelatele has achieved significant results, including a substantial 57% boost in Core Web Vitals performance score.
Toutelatele's continuous feed of television news, including updates, viewership ratings, and interviews, currently attracts a vast number of users. Viously's technology allowed Toutelatele to tackle the critical problem of long page loading times that hampered user experience and audience retention.
The solution to improving this user experience lies in Viously's optimised video player and advertising stack, designed for page speed enhancement. By changing video technologies, Toutelatele was able to instantly reduce page loading time.
Within a short period, Viously's solution delivered impressive results for Toutelatele. The official spokesperson commented, "Today, we are partnering with an external agency to enhance the Web Vitals performance of our website. Following the integration of the Viously player, they immediately noticed an acceleration in page loading speed and a reduction in Total Blocking Time (TBT)."
The profound impact of this new technology is evident in the significant decrease in loading time and enhanced user experience, resulting in a 57% increase in the Core Web Vitals performance score. Furthermore, with Viously, the weight of the videos on the website was reduced by 75%, ensuring an improved browsing experience for users.
So, how does this technology add value? The performance-friendly video player and advertising stack deliver two key benefits for publishers and advertisers.
Firstly, reducing the weight of video content significantly improves page load speeds, directly influencing user engagement. Research shows that users are 24% less likely to abandon page load when a site meets the Core Web Vitals thresholds. Therefore, faster loading speeds encourage visitors to spend more time on the website, enhancing their user experience.
Secondly, the reduction in Total Blocking Time ensures smoother user interaction with the page, further enhancing the user experience and retaining a larger audience. This solution empowers Toutelatele to address their entire audience and provide a seamless browsing experience while also increasing their competitiveness in the market.
The partnership between Viously and Toutelatele represents a groundbreaking advancement in web performance, enabling faster page loads, increasing audience retention, and delivering a significantly improved user experience. With Viously's optimised video player, Toutelatele has truly transformed their website's performance.
Customer ExperiencePartnershipTechnologyVideoWebsite
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