Smile Wanted is Thrilled to be Heading to DMEXCO 2023
by News
on 12th Sep 2023 in
Smile Wanted is a private exchange based on a proprietary traffic-shaping AI. It allows partners to access premium and curated inventory through video, display, and native, and target only qualified audiences.
Smile Wanted stands out as the one and only independent and sustainable curated marketplace in Europe to offer guarantees on video and native formats, with over 30,000 domains and 10 billion ad calls/day.
This will be another great year where DMEXCO makes a comeback as Europe's leading digital industry event for the ad tech industry. Like every year, Smile Wanted is looking forward to meeting with its peers from the international market.
What could be better than networking? Gary Abitan, managing director and David Calleri publishers director of Smile Wanted, will be delighted to contribute to improve the industry.
To get in touch during the event at DMEXCO next 20th of September at Kholn, feel free to email Marie Nivelet at
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