SmartHub Released New Features to Help Partners Maximise Revenues on Ad Exchanges
by News
on 27th Feb 2024 in
SmartHub, a white-label ad exchange solution, has been recently updated with three new features: Adaptive Margin, Demand Booster, and Win Rate Booster.
Programmatic advertising is a highly competitive ecosystem so to remain viable, ad exchange owners need to prioritise bidding strategies optimisation, as well as demand driving. The recent update of the SmartHub solution is aimed at solving these challenges.
The Adaptive Margin helps ad exchange owners to maximise their revenues obtained from media trading inside their SmartHub ad exchange platforms. When activated, for each endpoint (SSP or DSP), it automatically calculates the most optimal margin, based on recommended markups taken from the most successful trades within 24 hours. The adaptive margin is based on the self-learning mechanism and includes data analysis and calculation of the optimal margin for different traffic types and ad formats.
The recent example of the adaptive margin showcased the enhancement of the white-label ad exchange platform's revenue by selecting the most optimal margin type for StreamKey, SmartHub`s partner. Adaptive margin is integrated into the trading process as a part of the platform's learning mechanism and helped StreamKey to make profit growth 2 times in 2 months.
The Demand Booster functionality allows for generating additional ad requests for users who spend a lot of time on the same page or application. These extra requests have the same parameters as the original one except for specific adjustments that may increase the chance of receiving a bid response. Enabling the Demand Booster feature implies delivering more impressions, which will have a positive effect both for supply and demand sources. While publishers get an opportunity to earn more, advertisers benefit from greater exposure. Demand Booster can be activated exclusively on the supply side for RTB connections and banner ad formats.
In turn, the Win Rate Booster functionality focuses on the automatic optimisation of bidding strategies. During the auction, the winning bids are identified according to the historical rate of Creative IDs (CRIDs), not the bid prices. This feature increases the overall auction performance, making the ad exchange more profitable for the owner.
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