
Seedtag’s Seraphina Davey on How Premium Content Providers Can Continue to Thrive in a Privacy-first World

In this Q&A, we chat with Seraphina Davey, global senior vice president of Publisher Partnerships at Seedtag, to discuss the world of premium content and how it can thrive in a privacy-conscious ecosystem.

How can the industry maintain a privacy-first approach, despite the continued presence of cookies?

The industry simply must maintain a privacy-first approach because, while the phaseout of cookies may be delayed, users, regulations, and browser controls are accelerating their decline. Currently, advertisers can only identify about half of users on the open web, and with Microsoft Edge joining Safari and Firefox in limiting cookies, it’s clear that users are increasingly rejecting online tracking.

To access advertising budgets, publishers must explore and adopt alternative solutions that respect privacy, such as first-party data, universal ID solutions, federated learning, edge computing, and contextual insights. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but a balanced approach can create a privacy-centric strategy that compensates for the loss of traditional signals.

Does a focus on privacy put premium content providers in a position of strength? 

Absolutely. Prioritising privacy strengthens premium content providers by offering advertisers a secure environment. As privacy regulations tighten and user expectations grow, these providers build trust by respecting data protection. The closer they are to their audience, the closer they bring advertisers, enhancing personalised experiences without compromising privacy. This not only boosts brand reputation and loyalty but also ensures compliance with evolving privacy standards — critical for sustainable monetisation in a privacy-conscious world.

How do contextual campaigns help publishers in the shift toward privacy?

Contextual campaigns offer reliable alternatives to user tracking, helping publishers tap into shifting advertiser budgets and monetise more of their inventory. By targeting users based on content engagement rather than personal data, publishers can maintain or even boost ad revenue, even from users who opt out of tracking. This approach ensures compliance with privacy regulations, reduces legal risks, and provides a stable revenue stream.

From a performance standpoint, contextual advertising supports brand safety by placing ads in appropriate environments, driving trust, and increasing engagement. By delivering more relevant ads, it enhances user interactions, improves performance, and generates valuable insights.

How can events like Seedtag’s help the industry define the privacy-first landscape?

At Seedtag, we are deeply committed to helping publishers maintain and grow revenue despite signal loss because we believe that premium, professionally-produced content is the backbone of functioning societies. Facilitating open dialogue among publishers and tech companies is just one way in which we can support that, and at this year’s first-ever Seedtag Global Publisher Summit, we welcomed publisher partners from all over the world to our EU HQ in Madrid to do exactly that. The results were inspiring. Not only were we able to find enhanced ways to support our publisher partners, it was also an opportunity for publishers from across the globe to compare challenges and solutions and establish networks through which they will be able to strengthen and grow their business back at home. In this privacy-first world, publishers can and want to open the door to advertisers; it is our responsibility to help them to find the way in.