
ExchangeWire on Disney’s CPM Cuts, Big Tech Breaching Regulations and APAC’s Ad Market Growth 

In this team episode of the MadTech Podcast, Aimee Newell Tarín is joined by John Still and Lindsay Rowntree to discuss the latest news in the world of ad tech. 

They examine Disney’s decision to cut CPM’s for Disney+, Apple and Microsoft breaching regulations in the EU, as well as the growth we’re seeing in the APAC ad market. 

Disney to cut CPMs by up to 15% (ExchangeWire)

With many advertisers requesting lowered rates for upfront market ad deals with TV networks, Disney+ has reportedly agreed to reduce CPMs by up to 15%. These lower-rate deals are shaking up the scene for competitors, who had not intended to lower their rates to such a degree, but now feel forced to in order to match Disney. 

Microsoft and Apple in breach of EU regulations (FT)

Wrapping up some questions surrounding the European Commission’s (EC) investigation into Apple over anticompetitive practices, Brussels has informed the tech titan that it is in breach of the Digital Markets Act. It has also informed Microsoft that the bundling of Teams with Office breaches antitrust rules.

APAC ad market to grow 8.5% (Marketech)

The APAC ad market is expected to see growth of 8.5% this year to reach USD$289bn (£223bn). Similarly to recent forecasts for Europe, digital pure players are expected to lead the growth with their ad revenues forecasted to rise 11.1%.