Sonja Kroll
EMEA Editor
Sonja is the EMEA editor for ExchangeWire and covers all things programmatic in Europe from her base in Dublin. She initially found her way into the online marketing world through editorial and management roles for Yahoo! Search Marketing in the mid 2000s, before switching sides in 2009 and reporting on the online advertising industry as a regular contributor to German language internet news portal, and working as a content creator for a variety of clients in the tech and marketing world. Sonja has a BA in Photographic Media under her belt and in a previous life, qualified as secondary school teacher from the University of Würzburg, Germany, conducted traffic surveys and acted as an extra on an Irish soap opera.Articles by Sonja
Call for Ad Quality Charter; adsquare & Adobe Join Forces
ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: AOP’s ad quality charter; adsquare partners with Adobe; iotec’s Mobile Transparency Report; Ad fraud alliance between Vidstart and Forensiq; DPRI revenue decreased [...]
Viewability-Rate in Deutschland steigt; Adjust kooperiert mit Line
ExchangeWire bündelt die wichtigsten Nachrichten aus der Region DACH mit Schlaglicht-Interviews aus der deutschsprachigen Programmatic-Szene. Diese Woche: Viewability in Deutschland im Aufwärtstrend; Adjust expandiert Angebot in Asien weiter; The Adex holt Andreas Kranki; und Fünf Fragen an Olaf Mahr, MD [...]
IAB Publishes Transparency Guide; Digital Accounts for More Than Half of UK Ad Spend
ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: New Transparency Guide by IAB Europe; UK ad spend forecast by AA/WARC; Adform partners with Hivestock for US DOOH; Meetrics ad viewability [...]
The 3 Pillars to Brand Safety & How to Make Sure They Are Upheld
Brand safety is hugely important in the current climate of suspicion towards digital advertising. Frances McCann (pictured below), partner manager, Blis, discusses the three key pillars of brand safety which must be considered to minimise the risk to advertisers and ensure ads [...]
BVDW fordert europäisches CfBA-Chapter; Meetrics erweitert MRC-Akkreditierung
ExchangeWire bündelt jede Woche die wichtigsten Nachrichten aus der Region DACH. Diese Woche: BVDW kritisiert Coalition for Better Ads-Initiative und fordert europäische Interessenvertretung; Meetrics erweitert MRC-Akkreditierung; und Burda Forward weist ungültigen Traffic aus. BVDW kritisiert "Coalition for Better Ads”-Initiative Der offene Brief [...]
UK Viewability Improving; BVDW Critical of Coalition for Better Ads Initiative
ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: Ad viewability score in UK improves; BVDW calls for European Chapter for CfBA; S4M and IAS partner; Digital bus ads by Exterion; [...]
Kritik an ePrivacy-Verordnung; Mobiler Ad Spend wächst
ExchangeWire bündelt die wichtigsten Nachrichten aus der Region DACH mit Schlaglicht-Interviews aus der deutschsprachigen Programmatic-Szene. Diese Woche: ePrivacy-Verordnung stößt auf Kritik; Mobile überholt Desktop; DAX kommt nach Deutschland; und Fünf Fragen an Gerald Banze, Q division. BVDW übt harsche Kritik an [...]
Video Ad Spend Tops Banner Ad Spend; Global Expands DAX to US
ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: Video overtakes banner ads in IAB ad spend report; Global expands DAX to US; Alchimie and CMP partner; New IAB 'Gold Standard' initiative; [...]
Transparency Should Be a Business Model: Q&A with Aee-Ni Jaskolla, Improve Digital
Improve Digital has recently appointed a new chief product 0fficer. Joining the European monetisation platform from a previous position at Xaxis, data specialist Aee-Ni Jaskolla (pictured below) took time to speak with ExchangeWire about her new position, the plans for Improve Digital's platform, [...]
CMO-Rolle in Deutschland unterentwickelt; Adjust bringt Ad Spend-API
ExchangeWire bündelt die wichtigsten Nachrichten aus der Region DACH mit Schlaglicht-Interviews aus der deutschsprachigen Programmatic-Szene. Diese Woche: CMO-Rolle in Deutschland unterentwickelt; Adjust bringt Ad Spend-API; Neuer CTO bei virtual minds; und Fünf Fragen an Martin McDonald, Tealium. Handlungsbedarf bei CMO-Rolle in [...]
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