  • What Does 2018 Hold for the Fight Against Ad Fraud? Experts Comment

    The battle against ad fraud has raged on in 2017, but there is much to be positive about in industry developments that have been made. In a series of features reflecting on the past year and looking ahead to what we can [...]

  • APAC Ad Sales to Climb Almost 6%; Consumers Want to Be Able to Text Brands

    In this weekly segment, ExchangeWire sums up key industry updates on ad tech from around the Asia-Pacific region – and in this edition: APAC ad sales to climb almost 6%; Consumers want to be able to text brands; Dentsu buys [...]

  • IAB AU Insists Ads.txt Gaining Traction

    It has been touted as a simple and effective way to combat ad fraud; but ads.txt has reportedly hit some speed bumps in terms of adoption and deployment. Its lead campaigner IAB, however, says it will limit unhealthy industry practices [...]

  • DSPs Must Evolve to Help APAC Marketers Reduce Ad Waste

    With media buyers seeking out more efficient paths to supply and demanding greater transparency in fees and auctions, it is time for DSPs to be more than automated workflow tools. DSPs have not evolved much from when they were built during [...]

  • It’s Time to Finally Stop Ad Fraud

    Ad fraud affects every stakeholder in the advertising industry. But rather than doctor the symptoms, the industry needs to get together to work on the roots of the problem. Nigel Gilbert (pictured below), VP of strategic development EMEA, AppNexus, takes [...]

  • The War on Ad Fraud: Every Day Is Safer than the Day Before

    Ad fraud: a billion-dollar problem and a surefire way to get rich quick. For the criminals doing it, that is, writes Sacha Berlik (pictured below), managing director EMEA, The Trade Desk, exclusively for ExchangeWire. For advertisers, it’s a huge hole [...]

  • Does Japan Really Have an Ad Fraud Problem?

    Recent reports have suggested Japan has the highest rate of ad fraud globally, with a whopping 81% of all impressions being tracked as fraudulent. ExchangeWire asks whether this is really the case. The report, published by Pixalate, revealed that the level [...]

  • Mobile Gamers Gearing Up for Holiday Season; Willingness to Share Location Rises

    ExchangeWire Research’s weekly roundup brings you up-to-date research findings from around the world, with additional insight provided by Hugh Williams, senior data analyst, ExchangeWire. In this week’s edition: Mobile gamers gearing up for holiday season; Willingness to share location rises; [...]

  • Better Mobile Metrics Can Help APAC Brands Get Over Numbers Obsession

    There is urgent need to define viewability and create standardised metrics for mobile ads in Asia-Pacific, where marketers remain hooked on the numbers game, focusing their attention on clicks rather than other more effective metrics. This obsession over clicks has resulted [...]

  • Whitelisting: The White Knight for Brand Safety?

    With the brand safety scandal raging on since March of this year, one term that keeps cropping up as a potential solution is ‘whitelisting’. ExchangeWire delves into whether whitelisting really is the white knight the industry needs to fend off [...]