  • JICWEBS Anti-Ad-Fraud Certification; Acquisitions for OpenX

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: JICWEBS opens new anti-ad-fraud certification; OpenX buys Mezzobit and PubNation; Adyoulike and The Trade Desk partner; Evania and Fraudlogix cooperate; Triton and OMS [...]

  • Milliarden-Schäden durch Device-ID-Betrug; Coalition Against Ad Fraud

    ExchangeWire bündelt die wichtigsten Nachrichten aus der Region DACH mit Schlaglicht-Interviews aus der deutschsprachigen Programmatic-Szene. Diese Woche: Betrugsmasche Device-ID-Fraud; Adjust holt neue Mitglieder in die Coalition Against Ad Fraud; In-App Ad Spend boomt; und Fünf Fragen an Andreas Joebges, RMG. Device ID [...]

  • Bringing Blockchain to Programmatic – Q&A with Zheng Zhang, CEO & Co-Founder, EnvisionX

    Everyone is talking about 'blockchain' – but why? In this Q&A with ExchangeWire, Zheng Zhang, CEO and co-founder of EnvisionX, anticipates that the industry will very quickly move into blockchain technology to, ultimately, address the transparency and fraud issues – [...]

  • Kargo: Don't Over-Rely on Open Exchanges

    To mitigate the risk of ad fraud and bots, marketers in Asia-Pacific should not be too dependent on programmatic open exchanges and must combine technology with human oversight. Advertisers should practise caution against relying solely on automation, advised Rob Leach, Kargo's [...]

  • Will Blockchain Transform the Ad Tech Industry?

    'Blockchain' is coming up more often in the world of ad tech, an industry that loves their buzzwords. But is there any validity to blockchain’s use in advertising? Writing exclusively for ExchangeWire, Jeffrey Seah, board member, Gravity4, talks about how [...]

  • Driving the Industry Forward with Collaboration

    Collaboration. It’s a simple concept, but it seems to be one we take for granted. In a professional environment, at least, collaboration is a concept that could definitely be worked on and developed. Collaborating with potential industry competitors may not [...]

  • TV Ads Have Diminishing Influence in AU; China Video Ads Climb to £966m in 1Q2017

    In this weekly segment, ExchangeWire sums up key industry updates on ad tech from around the Asia-Pacific region – and in this edition: TV ads have diminishing influence in AU; China video ads climb to £966m in 1Q2017; AU small [...]

  • Tremendous Industry Momentum Working Together to Raise Standards: Q&A with John Murphy, OpenX

    ExchangeWire speaks with John Murphy, VP of marketplace quality, OpenX, to discover why quality continues to be one the key focuses in digital advertising, and how publishers, advertisers, and tech partners can work together to raise standards.  ExchangeWire: Quality has always [...]

  • Ad Fraud Breaches the Trust Between Networks, Publishers & Advertisers: Q&A with Tim Koschella, AppLift

    With global ad revenue wasted on fraudulent traffic reaching into double-figure billions in 2017, ad fraud remains an issue in the programmatic industry. Tim Koschella (pictured below), CEO and co-founder of AppLift, speaks to ExchangeWire about aligning with advertisers' needs and combining [...]

  • APAC Agencies Must Be More Than Just Media Buyers

    Instead of simply buying media for marketers, agencies must offer guidance on whether their clients are ready to adopt programmatic and, if not, provide help on how to do so. This should include data strategy and operations setup, says Vincent Niou, [...]