  • APAC Advertisers Stuck in Ad Network Model

    While agencies may have moved on, some advertisers in Asia-Pacific have yet to transition from the ad network model and hold out-dated views about programmatic. Matt Harty, Asia-Pacific senior vice president of The Trade Desk, explains in this Q&A with [...]

  • Markup DSP Model Detrimental to China Ad Market

    Evolved out of traditional ad networks, most DSPs in China currently operate on a 'markup model' that is proving harmful to both advertisers and publishers. This typically involves low-tier inventory bought in bulk at low CPMs, and later sold to [...]

  • Publisher Co-operatives: A Global Trend

    Publisher co-ops are popular in Europe; but, until now, have failed to be successful in other continents. Jay Stevens, general manager, international (pictured below) at Rubicon Project spoke exclusively to ExchangeWire and shared his prediction that publisher co-ops are going to [...]

  • Teads & MediaMath together in LATAM; Digital is only 11% of Brazilian agencies' revenue

    The weekly LATAM RoundUp brings the following stories: Teads and MediaMath announce a partnership in video focusing on Latin America; Brazilian ad agencies have 11% of their revenue coming from digital campaigns; the alliance formed by Zoomin.TV with the Brazilian [...]

  • Fragmentation & Opaque Pricing Top Challenges for APAC This Year

    A look back at the year reveals key challenges for the Asia-Pacific ad tech industry in the form of media fragmentation and a lack of transparency in the buying process. A significant increase in websites over the past decade has [...]

  • Asia Brands Must Ready Programmatic Journey

    Still lagging in their adoption of programmatic, brands in Asia-Pacific continue to face myriad challenges cutting through the technology maze and getting internal support for the automated buying platform. Careful planning and some patience, though, may be all marketers need [...]

  • Asia Consumers Still Served Irrelevant Ads; Indonesia Sees Growth in Mobile Ad Spend & Supply

    In this weekly segment, ExchangeWire sums up key industry updates in ad tech from around the Asia-Pacific region – and in this edition: Most Asian consumers still served irrelevant ads; Indonesia sees growth in mobile ad spend & supply; More [...]

  • State of Video in Europe; Mobile Advertising Soars in Developing Countries

    ExchangeWire Research’s weekly roundup brings you up-to-date research findings from around the world, with additional insight provided by Rebecca Muir, ExchangeWire, head of research and analysis. In this week’s edition: the state of the European video industry; mobile advertising soars [...]

  • ANZ Ad Tech Fighting to Identify Value Amid the Noise

    The Australia and New Zealand ad tech market may be one of the more matured globally, but the region faces similar challenges to the rest of APAC from having to deal with an increasingly complex and expansive technology space. In [...]

  • Latest Earnings Reports Indicate Top 5 Tech Companies Will be Worth More Than USD$2 Trillion

    Strong earnings reports from Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon indicate that the top five tech companies (including Facebook) will be worth more than USD$2 trillion if they can maintain the combined growth from this quarter. Mobile search drives Alphabet revenue Yesterday (October [...]