  • Opinion Leaders Please Step Forward?

    Chris Bourke, Qriously, commercial director, EMEA, asks if 'opinion leaders' responsible for positively spreading information about programmatic advertising have delivered on their self-appointed brief. Everett Rogers famously argues that diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated over [...]

  • ExchangeWire Asia-Pacific Weekly Round-Up

    In this weekly segment, ExchangeWire sums up the key industry updates on ad tech from around the region – and in this week's edition: Twitter ads pop up on Yahoo Japan; Opera Mediaworks expands Asian ops as mobile ads grow; [...]

  • Publisher Co-Ops – The View From the Buy-Side 

    With large-scale publishers increasingly convinced of the benefits of pooling their resources to trade media via premium exchanges and therefore better compete with the likes of Google, ExchangeWire examines some of the issues around transparency and this model.   With the [...]

  • Revealed, the Facebook Ad Tech Strategy… and it’s Kind of Like Google

    The Echo Chamber is a regular column, penned by Ciaran O'Kane, on all things ad tech, mar tech and programmatic Advertising technology is the blood and guts of content monetisation on the internet. For most, it is unglamorous and bereft of [...]

  • Three APAC digital media firms merge to provide 'holistic' programmatic services

    Three companies in the Asia-Pacific digital marketing space have merged to form a single entity that they say will offer "holistic" programmatic services and drive the need for more transparency in the industry--something which its top executive repeatedly notes is [...]

  • Why the Agency Alone Will Own the Programmatic Buy & the End of Managed Buys

    The Echo Chamber is a regular column, penned by Ciaran O'Kane, on all things ad tech, mar tech and programmatic It's a rainy October evening in 2010, and a sizeable queue of media planner buyers from across London snakes around a [...]

  • ExchangeWire Weekly European Round-Up

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the hottest stories in the European ad tech scene, and in this week’s edition: The inevitable collision of adtech and martech nears; Germany’s top media owner to nurture programmatic advertising talent; A requiem for Yahoo’s [...]

  • ExchangeWire Lifts the Lid on ATS 2015 Series 

    ExchangeWire is priming itself for a busy 2015, with its ATS event series consisting of six confirmed events taking place across three continents, where it will help chart the progress of the programmatic advertising sector, as ad tech becomes the [...]

  • ExchangeWire European Weekly Round-Up

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the top stories in the European ad tech scene, and in this week’s edition: AppNexus continues shopping spree; Group M digital chief speaks programmatic with ExchangeWire; Mobile operators to block ads to get in on [...]

  • Telstra’s Premium Video Ambitions

    In light of the recent acquisitions of both Ooyala and Videoplaza, ExchangeWire caught up with Andy Solterbeck, Telstra Software Group, SVP, to understand Telstra’s ad tech roadmap. Telstra, Australia’s largest telecoms operator, reaches more than 60% of Australia’s online population and is [...]