  • ExchangeWire European Weekly Round-Up

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. And in this week’s edition: Amazon's videogame move; Facebook tweeks ad offering;  IPONWEB buys in Europe; Rubicon Project partners with Future; Alibaba and WPP's telling filings. [...]

  • What Next For Ad Tech’s Big Bang?

    Danny Hopwood, Vivaki, head of platform, EMEA, contemplates just how the ad tech sector will develop ahead of his ATS London appearance. When I first encountered Invite Media in 2010, I was already late to the game. The ad tech explosion [...]

  • What If Advertisers Asked For An Alternative To The Agency Commission Model?

    John Were, CEO and co-founder of Xelsion, discusses the agency trading desks and compensation models, as well as how the entry of enterprise players such as Accenture and IBM is bringing pressure to bear on some of the accepted norms [...]

  • Confirmed: Switch Buys Unanimis

    ExchangeWire can confirm that UK-based ad trading platform Switch has bought ad sales house Unanimis for a publicly undisclosed fee in a deal that was executed earlier this week.

  • ExchangeWire European Weekly Round-Up

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space, including Facebook's mega-growth on mobile, Yahoo's big move when it comes to mobile, plus AOL committing further inventory to programmatic. Facebook posts rip-roaring results thanks [...]

  • Is Measurement Depriving Brands Of Their Audience? 

    Paul Lyonette, YuMe, UK country manager, asks why advertising spend is lagging consumer usage when it comes to online video.  

  • Yahoo’s Latest Buy Is The Latest Move In ‘Single Customer View’ Arms Race

    Gareth Davies, AdBrain, CEO, gives ExchangeWire his take on this week’s multimillion dollar purchase of Flurry, and how it’s the latest move in a Silicon Valley arms race, but also explains to his thoughts this can prove risky for brands’ [...]

  • Making TV Smarter And More Actionable In the Multi-Screen Era

    With the emergence of mobile devices such as smartphone and tablets disrupting the traditional viewing experience in a way that was rarely foreseen by advertisers and technologists alike, Volker Ballueder, Civolution, sales director, explains how ad tech vendors are attempting [...]

  • How The GroupM Ad Exchange Will Disrupt The Dynamic Of The Programmatic Supply Market

    Ciaran O'Kane, ExchangeWire, global editor, muses over the potential impact of WPP's GroupM arm apparently halting the purchase of ad inventory from open exchanges. In this piece, he also speculates on whether or not Xaxis pivots to become the holding group's [...]

  • How The Asian Programmatic Market Can Realise Its 'Dynamic Growth'

    The APAC programmatic industry is poised for a period of marked growth, but skills gaps in the region, along with a more defined role for ad tech players and agencies need to be addressed if this potential is to be fully [...]