» Mike Nolet, who appeared at the recent Ad Trading Summit, blogs very sparingly these days. But when he does put up a post, it is essential reading for everyone in our space. The topic of his recent [...]
The death of the ad network continues to be greatly exaggerated. They still have strong market share in the UK, and Europe - and are still making lots of money (Vegas, anyone?). But the arrival of DSPs and [...]
Terry Kawaja published a visual overview of the convoluted US display eco-system last year. It demonstrated how crowded the middle ground between the advertiser and publisher was becoming - and indeed why the display space was ripe for mass [...]
Looking at these figures released by Comscore during the week about the UK display market confirms to me that nobody in our industry knows how big the ad net market actually is. Apart for the finger-in-the-wind estimation carried out by [...]
Ad networks in the UK play a powerful role in the £770 million display market. My recent industry-informed post on the actual size of the UK ad network market suggested a figure of about £264 million - with the [...]
The mobile market continues to produce a lot of froth in terms of exaggerated exits. First, there was Admob, then Quattro and now there’s talk of Millennial Media pocketing several hundred million in exchange for its global ad network. [...]
Buying mobile inventory is a messy business. The space is very disjointed and lacks real transparency. Industry observers obsess about why more money isn't going into the mobile display space. The reason is basically down to poor [...]
There's a good overview piece of the mobile ad market by the Guardian today. The piece focuses on the impending battle between Google and Apple in the mobile ad space. Having gobbled up two well-sized mobile ad nets [...]
Brian O’Kelley is the CEO and Cofounder of AppNexus. AppNexus is an advertising technology company that specialises in developing scalable ad trading solutions and ad exchange infrastructure. O'Kelley took time to speak to ExchangeWire this week about the [...]
Brian O'Kelley wrote an interesting piece for Clickz this week on why ad nets are an essential part of the online ad eco-system. He argues that ad networks are entitled to earn good margin on ROI delivered to agencies and [...]
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