Opti Digital's Magali Quentel-Reme on AI, Sustainability, Balancing Revenue and UX, and Innovative Ad Formats
Opti Digital's CEO, Magali Quentel-Reme talks to ExchangeWire about AI's pivotal role in driving digital ad revenue growth, emphasising its transformative impact on programmatic advertising. Quentel-Reme also highlights the industry's focus on sustainability and the importance of innovative ad formats [...]
Empresa de tecnología publicitaria de vídeo outstream AdPlayer.Pro refuerza la integración de socios de Prebid
AdPlayer.Pro, un proveedor internacional de soluciones tecnológicas de publicidad outstream, ha introducido mejoras significativas en su plataforma de servidor de publicidad en vídeo. Esta última actualización está estratégicamente diseñada para facilitar la integración sin problemas de la Demanda publicitaria de Prebid, [...]
AdPlayer.Pro Outstream Video Ad Tech Company Strengthens Prebid Partners Integration
AdPlayer.Pro, an international provider of SaaS video advertising tech solutions, has introduced significant upgrades to its video ad server platform. This latest update is strategically tailored to facilitate the seamless integration of prebid advertising demand, signifying a considerable advancement in [...]
New Research by Clinch Unveils the Crucial Role of Dynamic Creative Optimisation (DCO)
Clinch, the leader in dynamic ad serving and personalisation and creator of Flight Control, the omnichannel campaign activation platform present their latest collaborative report: "The State of Dynamic Advertising." This comprehensive study engaged over 120 agency correspondents, revealing a compelling dichotomy [...]
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