  • El Proveedor de Tecnología Publicitaria de Vídeo Digital AdPlayer.Pro Lanza su Submódulo de Vídeo Outstream para Prebid.js

    AdPlayer.Pro, un proveedor global de soluciones de tecnología publicitaria de vídeo digital, ha presentado su Submódulo de Vídeo, diseñado específicamente para editores que trabajan con Prebid.js. Según el anuncio, el Submódulo de Vídeo de AdPlayer.Pro implica que el reproductor de vídeo [...]

  • AdPlayer.Pro Digital Video Ad Tech Provider Launches its Prebid-Centered Outstream Video Submodule 

    AdPlayer.Pro, a global provider of digital video ad tech solutions, has officially introduced its Video Submodule, specifically designed for publishers working with Prebid.js. According to the announcement, the AdPlayer.Pro Video Submodule implies the outstream video player loads on-page only when the [...]

  • The Modern Media Planner Buyer - From Old School to Future Resilient

    In this op-ed, Vince Niou of Skeleton Key looks at the role of the modern media planner buyer, and how it has changed as the ad tech ecosystem has evolved Having spent the majority of my career on the agency side, [...]

  • Content Ignite Unveils Experiment Technology to Optimise Ad Performance for Publishers

    Content Ignite, the publisher-first advertising technology and monetisation platform, has announced the launch of its cutting-edge experiment technology, designed to significantly enhance ad performance and revenue for digital publishers.  This innovative feature allows publishers to effortlessly set up, run, and analyse [...]

  • iion Welcomes Adam Peck as Head of Advertiser Sales, UK

    iion, a global leader in attention-centric game advertising solutions, announced the appointment of Adam Peck as its new head of advertiser sales for the UK. With over 13 years of experience in ad tech and a strong focus on programmatic [...]

  • MadTech Money: Discovering the Latest Ad Tech M&A Trends with FPC's Rich Ashton

    The hotly-anticipated MadTechMoney event returns with a stellar line-up this week. We caught up with First Party Capital's Managing Director Rich Ashton to discuss the event, ad tech M&A, and much more... How would you best summarise the MadTechMoney event? The only [...]

  • Q3 in Ad Tech: Trials and Tribulations

    In our latest quarterly wrap, head of content John Still takes a look at the events that have defined Q3 2024. What made headlines over summer? It’s hard to look anywhere other than Google’s legal wranglings as we look back at [...]

  • IPA Bellwether Q3 2024: Caution Prevails

    The Q3 2024 IPA Bellwether Report reveals that UK companies paused marketing budget increases for the first time in 14 quarters due to uncertainty surrounding the Autumn Budget. What does the industry think?  The net balance for marketing budget revisions dropped [...]

  • BidsCube Unveils Comprehensive White-Label Solutions

    BidsCube, a pioneer in programmatic advertising technology, is thrilled to announce its transformation to a comprehensive ad technology solutions provider. This strategic shift enables BidsCube to concentrate on developing advanced programmatic platforms that simplify the process for clients to launch [...]

  • XPLN.AI Secures USD$8mn (£6.1mn) to Change Advertising

    Ad tech startup XPLN.AI has announced a USD$8mn (£6.1mn) funding round, led by Ventech and Spring Invest.  Redefining advertising effectiveness: For the past 15 years, standard advertising metrics such as impressions, viewability, and completion-rates have dominated the definitions of ad quality, [...]