ID5 ID Proven to Increase Average Bid CPM in Cookieless Environments
Today, almost 40% of global online traffic is unaddressable due to third-party cookie restrictions. Without third-party cookies, the value of publishers’ inventory is significantly reduced. In preparation for the cookieless future, both Czech Publisher Exchange (CPEx), an association of leading Czech [...]
The Future of Publisher Monetisation: Q&A with Shez Iqbal, Criteo
In this Q&A written exclusively for ExchangeWire, Shez Iqbal, Director of Publisher Partnerships, Northern Europe at Criteo, discusses the key challenges facing publishers, the increasing adoption of alternative ID solutions, and how addressability has impacted publishers' monetisation strategies. What are publishers’ main points of focus, [...]
Unlocking Addressability in the Post-Cookie World
On the eve of ATS Madrid 2022, Mario Torija, managing director Spain, Index Exchange, outlines how rebuilding consumer trust and industry-wide collaboration can unlock addressability in the post-cookie ecosystem. The journey towards addressability in a post-cookie world won’t necessarily be an [...]
Neustar & Permutive Bieten Gemeinsame Lösung für Adressierbare Skalierbare & Datenschutzkonforme Werbung auf der Basis Von Publisher-Kohorten
Die Partnerschaft ermöglicht Targeting mit hochwertigem Publisher-Inventar ohne Einsatz von Third-Party-Cookies oder Geräte-IDs Permutive und Neustar Inc., ein Unternehmen des TransUnion-Konzerns, haben heute ihre Partnerschaft bekannt gegeben. Gemeinsam soll die Lücke zwischen Verbraucheridentitätsdaten und einem Privacy-First-Web geschlossen werden, um so vertrauensvolle [...]
Neustar & Permutive Partner to Provide Addressability, Scale & Privacy to Digital Advertising
The partnership unlocks targeting across high-quality publisher inventory without the use of third-party cookies and device IDs. Neustar Inc., a TransUnion company, today announced a partnership with Permutive to enable trusted connections between advertisers and publishers by bridging the gap between [...]
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