  • UK Not Ready for Smart Tech Lifestyle; Mobile & the Customer Purchasing Journey

    ExchangeWire Research’s weekly roundup brings you up-to-date research findings from around the world, with additional insight provided by Rebecca Muir, head of research and analysis, ExchangeWire. In this week’s edition: UK not ready for smart tech lifestyle; Mobile and the [...]

  • Now & Next: Augmented Reality

    Pokemon Go may be a fad that passes after a few months, but augmented reality, i.e. real-time integration of digital information into consumer environments, is here to stay. This edition of ExchangeWire’s Now & Next feature looks at augmented reality [...]

  • How Rich Media Just Got Richer: Pokémon Go & the Rise of Augmented Reality

    Pokémon Go has swept the world into a frenzy and has really provided a vision of what the future, steeped in augmented reality, could look like. For digital advertisers, it's opened up a whole new realm of connecting with their [...]