The TASC (The Ad Server Club) in France has produced a visual overview of the evolving ecosystem in the French market. You might notice some familiar names in there. But there are some homegrown companies dominating too. [...]
There is a massive debate going on in the European display space at the minute around data. Data is indeed the new black. But it's a very complex and confusing area. Publishers are agonising about how to [...]
I want to thank all the contributors to the end-of-year review series – and indeed all guest posters throughout 2010. The end-of-year series provided a comprehensive overview of this year’s developments in the European exchange space. In [...]
Simon Aurik is Chief Commercial Officer at Yieldivision, a specialist exchange trader based out of the Netherlands. Here Simon talks about YD's current positioning in the market and the opportunity in the European exchange market for the company.
Can you [...]
How The Exchange Space Has Evolved Across Europe In 2010
There has been a big shift in the main European markets over 2010. DoubleClick Adx, AppNnexus, Rubicon and AdMeld have all made big inroads into Europe this year. Mid-sized and large [...]
What is the MIG? And what is its role in WPP, currently the biggest display buyer in the European market? Caspar Schlickum, Managing Director, Europe and UK at The MIG, sat down with ExchangeWire this week to discuss [...]
Paul Childs, Chief Operations Officer at Adfonic, gives his thoughts on the last 12 months in mobile advertising and asks if it was the year when the industry finally came of age.
For years bullish vendors, up-beat analysts and even the [...]
From a Publisher point of view when it comes to the exchange space, 2010 feels a bit like the failed World Cup bid: lots of hype and excitement but a failure to deliver in the end. A tad harsh I [...]
A little while back ExchangeWire tweeted ‘will the growing demand for real-time inventory result in more publishers opening up greater inventory through RTB?’
Much as I tried I just couldn’t get a decent answer in 140 characters. The short answer [...]
Compared to traditional media, digital is certainly fast moving, overtaking everything other than TV in about fifteen years, which is incredible. Within this fast moving space however the microclimate of real time bidding (RTB) is trading in dog years. [...]
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