  • In a Post-GDPR World, Who Will Be the Emission Cheaters of Ad Tech?

    The GDPR will require ad tech companies to make substantial changes to their tech and business models. The question being asked by Maciej Zawadziński (pictured below), CEO of Clearcode, is will they comply, or will they follow in the footsteps of [...]

  • GDPR-Compliance Can Establish Trust with Customers: Q&A with Kory Willis, Impartner

    The passage of GDPR requires that all U.S.-based media companies doing business in Europe reveal exactly with whom they’re sharing user information. Sites must ask users to opt in to having their data shared with all of these third-party tools. [...]

  • Data Privacy & Transparency Is Giving Power Back to Consumers

    As an internet user, you’ve doubtless felt as though you were being followed from site to site, haunted by the ghosts of shopping carts past. Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of their data, and the invisible crumbs left [...]

  • The Facebook Scandal Could Just Mean More Money for Facebook

    It’s been quite a month for Facebook, Cambridge Anayltica, and a previously unknown Cambridge researcher named Aleksandre Kogan, writes Kirsty Cameron, digital planning director, Starcom, exclusively for ExchangeWire. The facts, as most people know them by now, are that some [...]

  • Challenging All Types of Data Used in Programmatic

    In this piece, Ivan Guzenko (pictured below), CEO, SmartyAds, outlines that the whole concept of programmatic advertising is based on accessible user data, allowing brands to deliver their messages exactly to the right audience. Therefore, the programmatic buying model is the [...]

  • The Future of Cross Device

    The cross-device landscape is one that’s rife with widespread misunderstandings. Anyone who gazes into their crystal ball and claims to have all the answers is likely wrong, writes Keith Petri (pictured below), chief strategy officer, Screen6, exclusively for ExchangeWire. Those [...]

  • Understanding Your Customer Through Data: Q&A with Salesforce

    Despite the fact that we are producing more data than ever before, using this data to engage customers and drive sales is an ongoing challenge for retailers. In this Q&A with RetailTechNews, Chris Wood, vice president, UK retail, Salesforce, discusses [...]

  • Call for Post-Brexit EU-UK Co-operation on Data Protection; UK Viewability Figures Rising

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: Advertising Association Demands Post-Brexit EU-UK Co-operation on Data Protection Rules; Rising Viewability Rates in UK; CDP Institute Launched in Europe; Finnish Media Group Otavamedia [...]

  • How We 20 Percenters Survive the Duopoly

    When an Irish person tells you in a moment of crisis that, "you’ll be grand", you truly are in a world of trouble. Things are far from 'grand' in digital advertising. Google and Facebook completely dominate the market. Their market [...]

  • It Takes 3 to Tango: Why Publishers, DSPs & SSPs Should Partner & Align Towards GDPR Compliance

    Compliancy with the new regulations on data usage in the EU is not an issue that can be resolved by going it alone. Working together, the various stakeholders in the programmatic supply chain will not only make it easier for [...]