  • What SMEs Need to Know About the IoT

    In 2016, many business owners are still resisting the push towards fully incorporating Internet of Things (IoT) devices into their company. However, according to a study done by McAfee, the network of devices that constitutes the IoT is set to [...]

  • Developing the Future For Women in Tech

    ExchangeWire is delighted to announce that Rebecca Muir (pictured), head of research and analysis, ExchangeWire, has been chosen to host Women of Silicon Roundabout 2016. Women of Silicon Roundabout is an interactive forum in which Europe’s leading women in tech – [...]

  • Now & Next: The Missed Opportunity for SDKs

    Now & Next is a feature written by the ExchangeWire Research team. Every three weeks, we review the latest research, provide impartial insight and analysis of current trends and provide predictions for the future of advertising and marketing technology. This [...]

  • Malaysians Want Fast Mobile Video; AU to Spend AUD$28m on Ads Promoting Innovation Agenda

    In this weekly segment, ExchangeWire sums up key industry updates on ad tech from around the Asia-Pacific region – and in this edition: Malaysians want fast, quality mobile video; AU to spend AUD$28m on ads promoting Innovation Agenda; SpotX hires [...]

  • The Evolution of the CMO

    Marketing and technology complement rather than contradict each other, at least when it comes to the role of the CMO. In this piece, Chris Le May (pictured below), SVP & MD, Europe and emerging markets, DataXu, takes a look at the changing [...]

  • Industry Thought Leaders Share Predictions for 2016

    The online advertising industry evolves at a rapid pace, driven by changes in consumer behaviour and advancements in technology. ExchangeWire spoke to several senior marketing professionals from leading ad tech companies about their expectations for 2016, we’ve summarised their prediction [...]

  • Asean Mobile Video Marketers Must Stop Repurposing TV Ads

    Fuelled by increasing mobile adoption, mobile video ads have grown in prominence across Southeast Asian markets and advertisers in the region are eager to tap into this captive audience. However, brands currently resort to repurposing creatives developed for TV and [...]

  • AU Online Ad Spend Climbs 33%; Kantar Inks Thai TV Ratings Deal

    In this weekly segment, ExchangeWire sums up key industry updates on ad tech from around the Asia-Pacific region – and in this edition: AU online ad spend climbs 33%; Kantar inks Thai TV ratings deal; Dentsu acquires Philippine media agency; [...]

  • Collision & Convergence – Hype or Reality?

    Not all is lost for ad tech. Gareth Davies, co-founder and CEO at Adbrain, (picture below) sees a way out of the identity crisis and suggests five approaches to improve customer-marketer relations.  As ad tech and martech collide, an existential identity crisis [...]

  • Asia Brands Must Ready Programmatic Journey

    Still lagging in their adoption of programmatic, brands in Asia-Pacific continue to face myriad challenges cutting through the technology maze and getting internal support for the automated buying platform. Careful planning and some patience, though, may be all marketers need [...]