  • 'DMP Investment Should be Strategic, Not a Knee-Jerk Reaction'

    With a third of marketers planning to increase investment in DMPs in 2015, Zuzanna Gierlinska, director, strategic agencies & accounts, Oracle Marketing Cloud, EMEA, calls on marketers to start investing in the right resources too. DMPs gaining traction A recent Oracle Marketing [...]

  • The Battle for Cross-Device IDs Heats Up

    Cross-device campaign management is one of the key challenges facing the ad tech sector at present, posing questions regarding attribution and retargeting, among others. Solutions are available to advertisers, but the key debate is whether to use 'deterministic', or 'probabilistic' modelling. Ahead [...]

  • MySpace CEO: 'Atlas is Not an end-to-end Platform… It's just a Display Ad Server'

    Tim Vanderhook, Viant, and MySpace, CEO, speaks to ExchangeWire, on the launch of the company's latest 'advertising cloud' service, and how his company aims to offer value to advertisers from what was once the largest social network in the world, [...]

  • The Evolution of the ATD & What it Means for Holding Groups

    Stephan Beringer, Vivaki, CEO has confirmed the company is sending 120 of its US traders to individual agencies within the wider Publicis Groupe fold, in a move signalling the evolution of the entities formerly know as 'agency trading desks'. In an [...]

  • Advertisers Warned Over Big Data Fears

    'Big data', may be one of the key buzz phrases in contemporary ad tech and march circles, but its increasing use by big business brings with it a growing sense of public unease, as an increasing number of people practising [...]

  • Who to Watch in 2015

    ExchangeWire Research's head of analysis Rebecca Muir draws up a definitive list of which companies will make waves in the ad tech and martech sectors, as well as the market dynamics that will lead to their increasing influence in 2015, [...]

  • What Does the Future Hold for ATDs?

    The rise of adtech has resulted in massive disruption of long-held dynamics within the advertising sector, not least because of debates around transparency, and its potential for resulting in 'disintermediation'. ExchangeWire examines the debate that quietly bubbles under the surface of [...]

  • Why the Agency Alone Will Own the Programmatic Buy & the End of Managed Buys

    The Echo Chamber is a regular column, penned by Ciaran O'Kane, on all things ad tech, mar tech and programmatic It's a rainy October evening in 2010, and a sizeable queue of media planner buyers from across London snakes around a [...]

  • Alibaba Eyes Bigger Ad Revenue with AdChina Acquisition

    China's Alibaba Group is evidently looking to beef up its advertising revenue, which already accounts for the bulk of its revenue, as it kicks off the new year with an acquisition in the ad tech space. The e-commerce giant this week [...]

  • How Adtech & Martech Firms are Increasingly Colliding

    The amount of companies in the martech sector has almost doubled in the last 12 months, with the number of vendors classified as operating in this field approaching 2,000 (according to influential research firm ChiefMartech) as the worlds of adtech [...]