  • Mobile Dominates Video Views Worldwide; Next Phase of SpotX-Smartclip Merger

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: Mobile Drives Video-Viewing Figures; Next Phase in SpotX & smartclip Merger; PulsePoint Buys Ad Vitality Lab; Taboola Partners with Bauer Media UK; and [...]

  • Another Year of Transparency? Q&A with Koray Fuat, PubMatic; Ignasi Prat, Tappx; & Michael Nevins, Smart

    GDPR is set to shake up programmatic in 2018. Not only will it make publishers reconsider the number of partners they work with, but it will also make them more protective of their data. At the same time, the big [...]

  • Marketers Need to Do More with Mobile Tech: Q&A with Ian James, Verve

    Are marketers using mobile and location-based advertising to its full potential? In this Q&A with Ian James (pictured below), GM international, Verve, ExchangeWire discusses the current location-based marketing landscape. ExchangeWire: Where is location-based mobile marketing going in the wider advertising/marketing mix? Ian James: In 2017, [...]

  • BAT Influence Stifling Ad Tech Competition in China; AU TV Ads Hit £1.24bn

    In this weekly segment, ExchangeWire sums up key industry updates on ad tech from around the Asia-Pacific region – and in this edition: BAT Influence Stifling Ad Tech Competition in China; Alibaba to Grab 9.8% of Global Ad Revenue; AU [...]

  • Now & Next: Payment Solutions

    The recent pace of change in the payment solutions space has been rapid. From contactless payments, to mobile wallets, and now payment via QR codes, these advancements have led to talk of cashless societies. This edition of RetailTechNews’ Now & [...]

  • Ad Spend Grows for 17th Consecutive Quarter – The Industry Reacts

    UK advertising spend in Q3 2017 rose 3.5% year-on-year to reach £5.4bn – the 17th consecutive quarter of market growth, according to Advertising Association/WARC Expenditure Report data published Wednesday (31st January). The latest data underpins preliminary figures, which show 2017 [...]

  • Google Chrome's Ad Blocker Is a Nudge to In-App Advertising

    Ad blocking is nothing new, but newer versions continuously being released continues the headaches for both advertisers and publishers. Writing exclusively for ExchangeWire, Noam Neumann (pictured below), VP technologies and data, Mobfox, talks about the silver lining for those publishers [...]

  • AB Testing Feature by Convertize; Fashion Sells Better on Mobile

    RetailTechNews rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European retail technology space. In this week’s edition: Convertize launches Autopilot for AB testing; Mobile shopping yields better sales; and Apple Business Chat. Convertize Goes Autopilot Conversion rate optimisation specialists Convertize promise [...]

  • Mobile Shopping to Overtake In-Store Shopping; China Spends the Most Online

    RetailTechNews’ weekly roundup brings you up-to-date research findings from around the world. In this week’s edition: Mobile shopping to overtake in-store shopping; China spends the most online; and Booking apps driving last-minute booking traffic. Mobile Shopping to Overtake In-Store Shopping Mobile [...]

  • UK Viewability Figures Rise; Adform Applies Ads.txt Filtering

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: UK ad viewability rates on the rise; Ads.txt filtering on Adform’s SSP; SpotX expands presence to Belgium; New members for MMA Germany; [...]