  • The Era of Programmatic Creative

    Engaging consumers in the era of programmatic creative relies on data and automated technology. In this piece, Jamie Evans-Parker, CEO and founder of wayve, (pictured below) suggests how marketers can create the perfect mixture. Nearly a decade has passed since programmatic [...]

  • The Move to Trading on Viewability

    Discrepancies in viewability measurement are holding back the UK from trading on viewable impressions, says Niall Hogan (pictured below), UK Managing Director, Integral Ad Science. During 2015, the digital industry, as a whole, has placed much greater emphasis on viewability as [...]

  • Tomorrow is Not Going to Look Like Today

    We’ve become used to bandying around facts and figures that relate to mobile usage. In fact, we’ve become so used to it that they have lost some of their impact. In this piece, Tom Farrell, VP marketing, EMEA at Swrve [...]

  • Programmatic Video – Two’s Company, Three’s a Crowd

    Less is more – when it comes to publisher-controlled programmatic advertising. Greg Carroll, UK Country Manager, StickyADS.tv, (pictured below) in this piece talks about the trend towards private exchanges and programmatic-direct. Programmatic video is entering a new era. As agencies see [...]

  • Mobile Video Ads: Don’t Shoot the Messenger

    With mobile video ads, customers are judge, jury, and executioner. With this in mind, in this piece, Rob Gay, co-founder Alchemy.video (pictured below) argues for a mobile video solution which runs outside of the native players. This summer, Business Insider released its US Digital Media [...]

  • Why ‘Content Views’ is Yet Another Meaningless Metric Innovation in a Publisher Arms Race to the Top

    The search for a big number to wave in front of an advertiser has led to the introduction of content views as a metric. But as a site owner, Adnan Ebrahim, founder and CEO of Car Throttle (pictured below), argues [...]

  • The Collision of Data & Culture

    In October, senior thought leaders from Lloyds Banking Group, Microsoft, Dentsu Aegis, and Buzzfeed shared their wisdom with marketers at Quantcast’s annual Supernova event in London. Now in its second year, Supernova sought to explore the impact of Big Data [...]

  • The Publisher Programmatic Model

    Earlier this month (3 November), at ATS New York, a trio of thought leaders discussed how publishers can fight back against Google and Facebook, the rise of private marketplaces and how to ensure users understand the value of free online [...]

  • State of Video in Europe; Mobile Advertising Soars in Developing Countries

    ExchangeWire Research’s weekly roundup brings you up-to-date research findings from around the world, with additional insight provided by Rebecca Muir, ExchangeWire, head of research and analysis. In this week’s edition: the state of the European video industry; mobile advertising soars [...]

  • Could Xindi be the Most Expensive Botnet yet?

    Today (18 November), Pixalate has issued a cybersecurity threat advisory about the discovery of Xindi botnet, which will, if not stopped, cost advertisers an estimated USD$3bn by the end of 2016. Xindi is a Windows-based botnet specifically designed to exploit a critical [...]