  • Europe in Isolation: a New OnAudience.com Mobility Report

    OnAudience.com, the London-based big data company that specialises in data analysis and digital marketing, has taken a closer look at the response of European citizens to the lockdown and self-quarantine measures imposed by their governments. Data experts tracked the behaviour [...]

  • As Cookies Crumble, People-Based Marketing Puts Audiences Front and Centre

    The cookie, long used as a primary tool in the ad tech armoury for tasks such as behavioural targeting and frequency capping, is befalling a death much like its namesake biscuit. At this stage it may not have disintegrated, but [...]

  • Automation, its Impact on People & our Collective Responsibility

    Automation in advertising has scaled so quickly over the past decade, that in many cases, it has caused a disconnnect between the automation specialists and their leaders. In this exclusive piece for ExchangeWire, Jonas Jaanimagi (pictured below), technology lead, IAB [...]