  • AANA Revises Ad Definition in AU; Dentsu Takes Digital Performance Firm to Asia

    In this weekly segment, ExchangeWire sums up key industry updates on ad tech from around the Asia-Pacific region – and in this edition: AANA revises ad definition in AU; Dentsu takes digital performance firm to Asia; Major networks serving ads [...]

  • APAC Market Diversity Doesn't Warrant Different Viewability Standards

    The Asia-Pacific region may be a melting pot of widely different cultures and technological advancements, but this does not mean each market should adopt different ad viewability standards. Stressing the need for a single standard to define a viewable impression, [...]

  • Early Adopters See Success With 'Moment Marketing'

    Rugby fans may have noticed that one of the Rugby World Cup's major sponsors is synchronising social media advertising activity in real-time based on what happens during each game. This is known as 'moment marketing'. Earlier this week, TVTY's Antoine de Kermel, MD [...]

  • ZenithOptimedia Buys Out Australia's FirstClick; IAB to Hold Programmatic Workshops in Jakarta & KL

    In this weekly segment, ExchangeWire sums up key industry updates on ad tech from around the Asia-Pacific region – and in this edition: ZenithOptimedia buys out Australia's FirstClick; ZenithOptimedia to set up Singapore analytics hub; IAB to hold programmatic workshops [...]

  • Are Retailers Addicted to AdSense Revenue?

    Many of the UK’s leading retailers are knowingly cannibalising their revenue potential because they are addicted to the ‘safe’ revenue from AdSense. Online retailers make money by selling products to online consumers. However, many retailers have, perhaps unwittingly, diversified from their [...]

  • Ecommerce as a Media Channel

    It is vital marketers are able to reach their audiences effectively in order to minimise wasted ad spend and boost conversion rates. In this piece, Ben Cooper, managing director, Europe at HookLogic (pictured) discusses how the consumer shopping journey has ceased to [...]

  • Location Data & Measurement Hold the Key to Mobile ROI

    The IAB states that £1 in every £5 spent on digital advertising is allocated towards mobile; but it’s still not matching consumer engagement on this channel. According to the IAB, the average Briton now spends one in six of their [...]

  • Complex Programmatic Setup Blurs Marketers' View of Bids

    Setting up a programmatic buying strategy is proving to be complex and often involves multiple parties, making it tough for brands to grasp all the activities running in the background. Singapore pay TV operator and broadband services provider, StarHub, is calling [...]

  • Fixing the Broken Viewability Model

    Viewability is the topic that refuses to go away. Despite automation and standardisation, discrepancies are still vast. In this piece, exclusive to ExchangeWire, Sebastian Schindler, Insight Manager at InSkin Media (pictured) and Steve Doyle, CCO, discuss how the industry should approach [...]

  • Capturing TV-inspired Web Searches

    Leading automotive manufacturer, Suzuki, partnered with TV-ad-syncing technology company wywy and boosted click-through rate by 43%.  On a typical day, internet users are now spending almost as much time online (5.25 hours) as they are on various 'traditional' activities combined (with [...]