  • Get Smart with Tech or Lose Your Customers

    Technological advances in retail happen quickly, so retail marketers have to be able to react just as quickly. In this piece for RetailTechNews, Abigail Davies (pictured below), content marketing manager, Ometria, describes the changes we have already gone through, and how machine learning [...]

  • AI, Hyper-Personalisation, Automation & More: the Big Retail Trends of 2018

    Having well and truly settled in to 2018, many retailers are in the midst of defining their latest business objectives, as well as how they plan to continue improving across all areas of their business, writes David Buckingham, CEO, Ecrebo [...]

  • Loyalty Schemes Losing Appeal With Customers; UK Shoppers Demand More Integrated Omnichannel Experience

    RetailTechNews’ weekly roundup brings you up-to-date research findings from around the world. In this week’s edition: Loyalty schemes losing appeal with customers; UK shoppers demand more integrated omnichannel experience; and The mobile path to purchase. Loyalty schemes losing appeal with [...]

  • Rebrand With a New CDP: Q&A with Sigvart Voss Eriksen, Tapad

    Martech provider Tapad is launching its new customer data platform as we speak. ExchangeWire speaks with Sigvart Voss Eriksen, CEO, Tapad about the importance of personalisation for marketing, and gets the lowdown on the new CDP. ExchangeWire: Why is Tapad moving [...]

  • Enhancing Your Shopper Experience with Data

    Whether your retail business is marketing online or from a physical location, your bottom line relies on one thing: shoppers. Both shopping facilities and shopping habits have shifted over the years; and you probably don't dress, talk, or behave in [...]

  • Weekly Focus: C2C Marketplace Fights Fraud with AI

    With millions of products listed on its site, and sales negotiation taking place mostly between consumers, Carousell recognises the need to ensure its marketplace remains a safe environment and it has turned to artificial intelligence, as well as machine learning, [...]

  • Personalisation in Retail: How to Make Your Customers Feel Special

    Personalisation is the buzzword on everybody’s lips in retail at the moment. The question has now moved from whether or not to customise and enrich the customer experience, to how retailers can do this best. As with any trend, it [...]