AdPlayer.Pro Digital Video Ad Tech Provider Launches its Prebid-Centered Outstream Video Submodule
AdPlayer.Pro, a global provider of digital video ad tech solutions, has officially introduced its Video Submodule, specifically designed for publishers working with Prebid.js. According to the announcement, the AdPlayer.Pro Video Submodule implies the outstream video player loads on-page only when the [...]
Content Ignite Unveils Experiment Technology to Optimise Ad Performance for Publishers
Content Ignite, the publisher-first advertising technology and monetisation platform, has announced the launch of its cutting-edge experiment technology, designed to significantly enhance ad performance and revenue for digital publishers. This innovative feature allows publishers to effortlessly set up, run, and analyse [...]
Cedara Launches Industry-Leading Compliance Tools to Address SBTI, GHG, & CSRD Reporting
Cedara, the Carbon Intelligence Platform, has launched cutting-edge compliance tools aimed at helping media businesses streamline both regulatory and media measurement requirements, all within a unified platform. With the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) set to take effect for thousands [...]
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