  • India Ad Tech Must Be Ready for Market Changes

    With consumers in India losing patience and turning to ad-blocking tools, the ad tech community will need to look for ways to better target the right audience and improve customer interaction. They also will need to respond swiftly to market changes, [...]

  • Netflix Stock is Soaring

    Yesterday (18 January, 2017) Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX) released its fourth-quarter 2016 financial results with great aplomb. This quarter marks the 10th anniversary of Netflix's content streaming offering, thus, the beginning of the disruption of the traditional TV landscape. The next decade [...]

  • Focus on Cross-Device Metrics to Drive APAC Programmatic Adoption

    Constant benchmarking, improving the quality of data collection, and connecting the dots will be essential in driving the adoption of programmatic forward in Asia-Pacific. With campaign tracking and ad blocking proving to be major challenges over the past year, the [...]

  • APAC Marketers Must Make Mobile Content a Priority

    Brands need to bring their focus back to the basics in 2017 and invest more effort in creating mobile ads that better engage consumers. While still behind other development markets, Asia-Pacific has been increasing adoption of mobile video ads and is [...]

  • Publishers Fight Back: Creating Successful Publisher Alliances

    Buying high-quality digital ad inventory at scale is just a little less efficient and more hazardous than most of us would like, unfortunately. For a medium that has become the predominant destination for global consumers, and therefore the primary target [...]

  • Ad Tech Funding in Decline; Ad Tech Renaissance Looming

    ExchangeWire round up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: Ad tech funding in decline; An ad tech renaissance looming; IAB UK appoint new CEO; The Telegraph quadruple programmatic team; and global [...]

  • Why a Video Strategy is Critical for Publishers

    When the value of a product soars, everyone wants to stock it. So, with video ad spend growing by 40% this year and due to rise by a further 32% in 2017, it’s no surprise that publishers are rushing to [...]

  • Indonesia & India to Drive APAC Ad Spend; Smaato Eye China Growth from Spearhead Acquisition

    In this weekly segment, ExchangeWire sum up key industry updates on ad tech from around the Asia-Pacific region – and in this edition: Indonesia & India to drive APAC ad spend; Smaato eye China growth from Spearhead acquisition; Thai publishers [...]

  • China Must Work on Trust & Transparency in 2017

    For China's ad tech industry, the pressing new year resolution for 2017 appears to be building trust and transparency in a market where lines between the referee and players in the game have blurred. ExchangeWire spoke with three executives who identified [...]

  • 2017 Predictions for the Progression of Publisher Monetisation

    2016 has truly shown how dynamic an ecosystem the digital advertising industry is. There have been highs and lows, but it has certainly been memorable. In a series of features reflecting on the past year and looking ahead to what [...]