  • Why Real-Time Guaranteed Will Release Publishers from the Programmatic Trade-Off

    Real-time guaranteed has entered the mix to remove the need for publishers to compromise between RTB and guaranteed deals. For all the talk in the industry about real-time guaranteed, and its benefits to publishers, do we really know what it [...]

  • APAC Publishers Losing Sight of Their Business

    Struggling to evolve into a more agile model based on impressions, publishers in Asia-Pacific have farmed out the responsibility of increasing yield to intermediaries. As a result, many have lost valuable insight into their own businesses. At the same time, legacy [...]

  • Do Go Chasing Waterfalls – As Long As They're Automated

    The waterfall is a dependable, yet seemingly outdated, technique allowing publishers to optimise their yield. But the waterfall isn't dead yet: according to Alex Bornyakov (pictured below), CEO, VertaMedia, it needs to become automated to maintain its relevance. Writing exclusively for [...]

  • EU Wants Google/Facebook to Pay Publishers; Ligatus Buys LiquidM

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: Publishers strengthened by EU proposal; Ligatus acquires LiquidM; Lower ad fraud rates for Media iQ; New Finnish publisher alliance uses Adform platform; [...]

  • TubeMogul: China Marketers Misguided by Local DSP Players

    With DSPs in China wearing multiple hats and operating key functions across the ad stack, local brands often end up unaware about where, or how, their dollars are being spent. Amid this environment, company executives from TubeMogul are urging marketers in [...]

  • It's R.I.P for SSPs: Here's Why

    SSPs are considered a necessary, and even vital, part of the digital ecosystem, providing a valuable link between publisher inventory and the DSPs and exchanges fielding its demand, allowing publishers to achieve maximum yield. However, argues Scott Braley (pictured below), [...]

  • IAB SG Want Marketers to Look Past Cost-Per-Click; Dentsu Reports 11.5% APAC Profit Growth

    In this weekly segment, ExchangeWire sum up key industry updates on ad tech from around the Asia-Pacific region – and in this edition: IAB SG want marketers to look past cost-per-click; Dentsu reports 11.5% profit growth in APAC; Nine launches [...]

  • Where the Wild Bots Are: The Rise & Rise of Ad Fraud

    Ad fraud affects the entire supply chain, but at varying degrees and with different outcomes. How are publishers affected by ad fraud and is it a bigger issue for them than they think? ExchangeWire speak with Dr Augustine Fou (pictured [...]

  • Facebook Goes Anti-Ad Blockers; AppNexus Launches Enterprise PreBid

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: Facebook want to combat ad blockers; Enterprise header bidding solution by AppNexus; Less ad blocking in Germany; Solid quarter for YuMe; and Pixalate partners with [...]

  • Adform Inks Partnership with India in Sight; AdAsia Launches Video Network & Production Services

    In this weekly segment, ExchangeWire sum up key industry updates on ad tech from around the Asia-Pacific region – and in this edition: Adform inks partnership with India in sight; AdAsia launches video network & production services; GroupM revises China [...]