  • Ads Boost AU Economy; Ooyala Expands Into India

    In this weekly segment, ExchangeWire sums up key industry updates on ad tech from around the Asia-Pacific region – and in this edition: Ads boost AU economy; Ooyala expands into India; Dentsu picks up agency in AU; BBH India unveils [...]

  • Facebook Urges APAC Marketers to Drop Cookies For People

    Cookies can no longer measure results effectively or reach the right audience, and brands in Asia-Pacific need to work quickly to address this gap. This is the message Nick Seckold, Asia-Pacific head of Atlas, is looking to drive across the region, [...]

  • Smaato Changes Ownership; German Publishers Pool Their Data

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: Spearhead acquires Smaato; German publishers pool data; Tencent interested in Supercell; Exclusive partnership between Unlockd and Tesco Mobile; JICWEBS produces viewability guidelines; and [...]

  • Privacy Trumps Price; Programmatic Appreciated for Reduction of Media Wastage

    ExchangeWire Research’s weekly roundup brings you up-to-date research findings from around the world, with additional insight provided by Rebecca Muir, head of research and analysis, ExchangeWire. In this week’s edition: Consumers want more control over data handling; The benefits of programmatic; [...]

  • APAC Marketers Lack Trust in Programmatic, Want Tangible Outcomes

    There appears to be a lack of confidence that programmatic will deliver on its promise; and marketers in Asia-Pacific want concrete proof that the ad platform is capable of yielding tangible results. At a breakfast session in Singapore this week, to [...]

  • APAC Tops Global Mobile Adblockers; Japan Publisher Co-Op Kicks Off With Three

    In this weekly segment, ExchangeWire sums up key industry updates on ad tech from around the Asia-Pacific region – and in this edition: APAC tops global mobile adblockers; Japan publisher co-op kicks off with three; AU online ads climb 33.5% [...]

  • Server-side Header Bidding: Fewer Complexities, Greater Reliability

    Header bidding: the ad tech juggernaut that is now used by over 70% of all publishers. But what considerations should publishers take into account when choosing header bidding containers? Andrew Buckman (pictured below), MD EMEA, OpenX, explains the difference between server-side [...]

  • Rising Revenues for UK Publishers; CMOs Value Their Agencies

    ExchangeWire Research’s weekly roundup brings you up-to-date research findings from around the world, with additional insight provided by Rebecca Muir, head of research and analysis, ExchangeWire. In this week’s edition: Revenue growth for UK digital publishers; CMOs rely on agencies; and [...]

  • Programmatic Not Push-Button Automation, Humans Still Needed

    It may be widely touted to bring about improved efficiencies with automation, but programmatic does not mean machines should completely take over media buying and campaign management. Such misconceptions persist in the Asia-Pacific region and need to be properly addressed, urges [...]

  • Potential Defeat for AdBlock Plus Against Springer; Facebook Shutters FBX

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: Adblock Plus faces defeat in another court case against Springer; Facebook Shutters FBX; Three UK announces ad blocking trial run; ADventori opens London office; and StickyADS [...]