  • The Road Ahead for Publisher Co-Ops

    Nicolas Schueller, Adomik, CEO and founder, reflects on how premium publishers have histrocially struggled with the transition to becoming digital first businesses; from increasingly relying on social networks for traffic referrals, and ceding control of their user data, he also [...]

  • Five Top Tips for Successful Programmatic Marketing in APAC

    Brands that are new to Asia-Pacific, or keen to push out their programmatic plans in the region but don't know where to start, will find this week's feature handy. James Sampson, DataXu's Asia-Pacific vice president and general manager, dishes out [...]

  • Programmatic Native Has Pivoted the Buy- and Sell-Side Dynamics

    Mike Harty, PowerLinks, co-founder, and ExchangeWire columnist, examines the latest IAB ad spend figures and the history of programmatic advertising, to demonstrate how publishers are leveraging native advertising to re-address the power dynamic between the buy- and the sell-side. Earlier this [...]

  • What Are the Key Issues Facing the French Programmatic Market?

    ATS Paris is only two weeks away, where luminaries from the French market will meet to discuss some of the key challenges facing them in the year ahead. ExchangeWire peruses the agenda and highlights some of the key topics of [...]

  • Above & Beyond Programmatic Challenges in LatAm

    In a series of pieces examining the rapid rise of ad tech in the high-growth markets of Latin America, Lara Krumholz, DynAdmic, general manager, LatAm, explains the need for prospective entrants to dispel previously-held prejudices, and tap into the region's [...]

  • How French Publishers Are Winning Together

    The emergence of publisher consortia was underlined in recent weeks as UK publishers began to band together en masse. A month ahead of ATS Paris, ExchangeWire examines the French market, where publishers there were early to adopt this approach, exploring [...]

  • ExchangeWire European Weekly Roundup

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European ad tech landscape over the last seven days. In this week's edition: Facebook extends LiveRail to mobile apps; AOP strikes publisher alliance powered by AppNexus; Digital strikes parity with [...]

  • OpenX: 'Invalid Traffic Has Become a $6bn Problem'

    Click fraud currently costs the advertising industry upwards of $6bn a year, according to the US-based Association of National Advertisers, and it's prevalence in the programmatic media buying sector is regularly cited as a major reason not to invest in [...]

  • AOP Chair: 'Alliance Will Give Publishers Strength of Scale'

    Tim Faircliff, AOP, chairman, discusses the mechanics of the recently announced premium publisher alliance - or co-op - that is to be powered by AppNexus, which has several of the UK's tier-one publishers as founding members. EW: What does the new [...]

  • Power in Numbers: AOP Chooses AppNexus to Power Co-Op

    The Association of Online Publishers (AOP) has lifted the lid on its publisher cooperative powered by AppNexus, with several tier-one publishers including Telegraph Media Group, Time Inc, and Bauer Media among the names to sign up to the venture at [...]