  • Ad Tech Funding in Decline; Ad Tech Renaissance Looming

    ExchangeWire round up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: Ad tech funding in decline; An ad tech renaissance looming; IAB UK appoint new CEO; The Telegraph quadruple programmatic team; and global [...]

  • Would Isambard Kingdom Brunel Have Built Programmatic Pipes This Way?

    The great Victorian engineer designed much of the UK’s underlying connective infrastructure: dockyards, the Great Western Railway, suspension bridges, and innovations like tunnels beneath rivers. It was the GWR, Brunel’s greatest achievement, that connected Plymouth to London by rail. But, writes [...]

  • Is it Make or Break Time for UK Publishers?

    The UK’s media industry is at a precarious crossroads. There are regular reports in the press about the deterioration of ad revenues and the increasing dominance of the duopoly of Facebook and Google in the digital market. The News Media [...]

  • Mobile Overtakes Desktop for the First Time in Latest IAB UK Ad Spend Report

    Wednesday (12 October), PwC and IAB UK released the latest digital ad spend study, with the long-awaited news that mobile ad spend (£802m) has taken over desktop spend (£762m) for the first time. In fact, it is mobile that has driven [...]

  • EU Wants Google/Facebook to Pay Publishers; Ligatus Buys LiquidM

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: Publishers strengthened by EU proposal; Ligatus acquires LiquidM; Lower ad fraud rates for Media iQ; New Finnish publisher alliance uses Adform platform; [...]

  • The Trade Desk Files for IPO; New Anti-Fraud Certification from JICWEBS

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: The Trade Desk prepares for IPO; Anti-Fraud Certificate by JICWEBS; Google goes anti-pop-up ad; The Independent's digital-only success; New market transparency tools by [...]

  • Non-compliance Is Not an Option: Important Things to Know About the GDPR

    By now all companies, both within the EU and on the outside, should be more than aware of the impending EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and how its implementation will affect businesses globally. Those who think the ruling doesn't [...]

  • Spotify Sells Audio Ads Programmatically; Google AMP for Ads

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: Automated buying of audio ads at Spotify; Google AMP goes ad; Phillipson to step down as IAB UK CEO; Adyoulike teams up [...]

  • UK Ad Tech Industry Still Offers Opportunities for Ambitious Newcomers

    The UK ad tech industry is a thriving, cutting-edge, globally renowned talent hub; but success is by no means guaranteed for start-ups. While programmatic advertising spend in the UK is predicted to reach £2.5bn this year, new arrivals must navigate [...]

  • Cutting the Fat: Decision Time for UK Advertisers

    The UK advertising industry has entered a period of uncertainty; one, which could, and should, make industry players look at how they can ensure certain survival in uncertain times. Steve Latham (pictured below), general manager, Encore by Flashtalking, tells ExchangeWire [...]