  • mcommerce: Identity Fraud & Website Accessibility

    ExchangeWire Research’s weekly roundup brings you up-to-date research findings from around the world, with additional insight provided by Rebecca Muir, head of research and analysis, ExchangeWire. In this week’s edition: Smartphone shopping is driving UK retail ecommerce sales; Criminals target UK youth [...]

  • Faced with Unresolved Complexity, APAC Marketers Stick to Proven Walled Gardens

    Programmatic remains too complex to deploy and manage, and challenges related to cross-channel measurability and disparate tools are putting marketers off in Asia-Pacific, who then prefer to work on proven platforms – even if this means perpetuating the presence of [...]

  • Axel Springer vs Blockr; Funding for Parsec

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: Axel Springer gives up court case against ad blocker; Parsec receives funding; PubMatic launch PMP Guaranteed; Intrinsic buys AOP's Alliance; Yahoo introduces [...]

  • Facebook Urges APAC Marketers to Drop Cookies For People

    Cookies can no longer measure results effectively or reach the right audience, and brands in Asia-Pacific need to work quickly to address this gap. This is the message Nick Seckold, Asia-Pacific head of Atlas, is looking to drive across the region, [...]

  • Smaato Changes Ownership; German Publishers Pool Their Data

    ExchangeWire rounds up some of the biggest stories in the European digital advertising space. In this week’s edition: Spearhead acquires Smaato; German publishers pool data; Tencent interested in Supercell; Exclusive partnership between Unlockd and Tesco Mobile; JICWEBS produces viewability guidelines; and [...]

  • King: Testing New Reward Video Ad Format to Monetise 400+ Million Users

    King is rumoured to be launching a media business later this year to help build revenue around its incredibly sticky global audience of 463 million monthly active users. The gaming giant has already made a number of key hires in the [...]

  • Programmatic Growth in Europe in 2015; Ad Blocking Will Cause Loss of USD$32bn in 2019

    ExchangeWire Research’s weekly roundup brings you up-to-date research findings from around the world, with additional insight provided by Rebecca Muir, head of research and analysis, ExchangeWire. In this week’s edition: Programmatic grew over 100% in Europe in 2015; Double-digit billions in [...]

  • Viewability: Being Seen is Not Enough

    Advertisers are striving for increased viewability across their digital advertising campaigns, but is this the right approach? ExchangeWire speak with Paul Lowrey, strategy director, Collective, who thinks it’s great that ad viewability has risen; but when it comes to driving [...]

  • European Digital Ad Spend Surpasses TV; 57% Ads In-View in Q1 2016

    ExchangeWire Research’s weekly roundup brings you up-to-date research findings from around the world, with additional insight provided by Rebecca Muir, head of research and analysis, ExchangeWire. In this week’s edition: Digital ad spend grew by 13.1% in 2015; Improvement in quality [...]

  • Now & Next: Malvertising

    Now & Next is a feature written by the ExchangeWire Research team. Every four weeks, we review the latest research, provide impartial insight and analysis of current trends and provide predictions for the future of advertising and marketing technology. This feature [...]