  • TV Must Start Tuning into Programmatic

    Snug and comfortable with how things have always operated, the TV industry will soon face an inflection point where it will need to turn to programmatic to ensure its viability. Chris Dobson executive chairman of The Exchange Lab, believes this impetus [...]

  • Marketers Missing the Point with Easy Audience Targets

    Audience data is undeniably an important ingredient in any ad campaign, but some marketers are misusing such data to achieve easy success. ExchangeWire spoke with Bryan Melmed, global vice president of insights at Exponential Interactive, who championed the use of [...]

  • Should Five Seconds Be the New Ad Viewability Standard?

    Viewability. It's one of they key issues facing the online advertising industry, as brands - wary of getting scammed - ask for ever-increasing levels of transparency; with oil giant Shell now asking for FIVE TIMES the industry standard before it [...]

  • Nestle: 'I Want to Spend More... But Robots Don't Buy Kit Kats'

    Advertisers are willing to pay enhanced prices for ad inventory bought using programmatic technology, but ad tech partners need to provide 100% transparency, and media owners must produce more engaging ad formats, according to Nestle's UK digital lead. Gawain Owen, Nestle, [...]

  • Advertisers Move to Address Fraud

    Brands have never been keener to put programmatic on the media plan, but with this increased demand comes scrutiny, propelling phrases such as 'transparency' to the core of the public industry discussion, as advertisers increasingly demand ROI. ExchangeWire speaks with [...]

  • In Data, Never Forget the Human

    What does a 'like' or retweet mean for your brand? Nothing much these days, it seems, as they come a dime a dozen. Instead, data has become increasingly important to enable advertisers to better engage their audience, but what remains [...]

  • Ad Tech Industry Losing Sight of the Consumer, Needs Disclosure

    The ad tech industry has become increasingly fragmented and has lost its focus of consumers over its failure to execute a cohesive user experience. It also needs to improve communication to achieve better transparency and build trust. These were among the [...]

  • Why Agencies, Marketers & Publishers Should Look Beyond The 'Single Customer View'

    In a new role, heading up strategic development for AppNexus across Europe, Nigel Gilbert has been looking at the key market indicators that could drive (and also hinder) the growth of programmatic. Here he discusses the notion of a level [...]

  • How Can We Fix 'Viewability'?

    The IAB Europe has published a white paper laying down further guidelines on viewable ad impressions to stakeholders in the digital advertising sector across the continent. However leading figures in the publishing industry are making the case to advance the [...]

  • Publisher Co-Ops – The View From the Buy-Side 

    With large-scale publishers increasingly convinced of the benefits of pooling their resources to trade media via premium exchanges and therefore better compete with the likes of Google, ExchangeWire examines some of the issues around transparency and this model.   With the [...]