  • Google’s Search History Shows The Way For Display

    Ahead of his ATS New York speaking engagement, John Snyder, Grapeshot, CEO, and veteran of the digital marketing space, reflects on how companies in the programmatic space can learn from Google's emphasis on simplicity in the workflow process.   Back in [...]

  • AppNexus CTO On The Fight Against Ad Fraud

    AppNexus will take to the stage at next month's ATS Paris to discuss issues around transparency, here Geir Magnusson, CTO, SVP of engineering at AppNexus, shares insights on the wildly varying accounts of the extent of the problem, plus potential [...]

  • It’s Official: Consumers Are Just Not That Into Retargeted Ads

    Careless retargeting executed by ad tech firms more interested in swelling their bottom lines, as opposed to performing a consumer service, are damaging their advertisers in the eyes of consumers that are becoming increasingly uncomfortable with just how much brands [...]

  • What Advertisers Really Think About Transparency

    The ad tech sector is arguably the hottest part of the marketing industry right now with the word 'programmatic' on almost every C-level marketer's lips when talking about high-level strategy. Undoubtedly this is good news for the programmatic advertising industry, [...]

  • Domain Identity Theft Is The Fraudsters’ Latest Ponzi Scheme

    Jalal Nasir, Pixalate, CEO, and online fraud expert, shines a light on the latest loopholes exploited by nefarious elements of the digital economy, including naming some of the worst offenders, and urges the media industry at large to better protect itself from the problem.  “Hi, [...]

  • Why The IAB Numbers Show Us Programmatic Is An Unstoppable Force

    The decline of free marketing opportunities on social media and search engines, plus the growing rivalry between Facebook and Google, as well as an increased demand for cross-screen ad campaigns are all spurring the programmatic display ad sector, according to ExchangeWire sources.  The [...]

  • Amobee Unveils Mega Stack Ambitions With Adconion Direct & Kontera

    Speaking at a press lunch in Singapore this week, Mark Strecker, Amobee, CEO, and Steve Hoffman, CFO, (and Amobee’s M&A guy) shared insights with ExchangeWire's Wendy Hogan about the value of the Adconion/Kontera acquisitions as well as Amobee and Singtel’s ambitions for ad tech.  The Amobee cross-channel, cross-device [...]

  • Opening Up The Programmatic Native Opportunity To Buyers

    Ajay Daved, PowerLinks Media, head of demand and revenue, explains how two of the hottest trends in digital advertising (native and programmatic) are helping to achieve standards in order to realise one of the biggest opportunities for advertisers in the current [...]

  • WFA Report Gives Guidance On How To Work With Programmatic Service Providers

    The WFA released an excellent programmatic guide this week. The report, written by Mikko Kotila (a notable programmatic trader and ATS speaker), focuses on best practices for brands working with agencies, trading desks and ad tech vendors in the programmatic [...]

  • Bigger And Better: How Mobile Video Will Kill TV

    Stephen Upstone, LoopMe, CEO, asks if mobile has just leapfrogged magazines, newspapers and radio, in terms of ad spend, could TV be next? And if so, how will it overtake the king of the ad revenue channels? Mobile display advertising is eating [...]