Alex Khan is CEO of Catcha Digital Asia. Here he discusses the CDA offering, trends in the region's online display market and the impact ad exchanges are likely to have on the sell-side.
Can you give an overview of [...]
It is ExchangeWire's first foray into the APAC market - and we are looking forward to fostering some serious debate around the area of data-driven display at the half-day conference on June 15. The Singapore event is now sold out. [...]
Kate Clough is Regional Media Director, APAC at MRM Worldwide. Here in an interview with ExchangeWire APAC, Clough gives an insight into the Chinese display market, the third biggest after the US and Japan.
Can you give an overview of MRM’s [...]
Julian Tol is the Co-founder & CEO at BRANDSCREEN. Here he discusses the Brandscreen DSP roll-out across the APAC region
You recently announced that you have launched across APAC region? How many countries are you now servicing in the region?
The [...]
VivaKi is starting to get very active in the APAC market - and is spearheading the Publicis move into data-driven display buying across the region. Here Ros Allison Director of VivaKi Nerve Center in Australia discusses Vivaki's exchange strategy in [...]
Brandscreen is one the leading DSP vendors in the APAC region. Here Julian Tol discusses the Brandscreen proposition, the APAC exchange eco-system and how the region's advertisers, agencies and publishers are developing strategies to trade in the automated display marketplace.
Can [...]
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