  • Mobile: The Issues Exist Across the Entire Value Chain

    ATS Paris 2016, which took place on 13 April, was concluded by a panel discussion around the hot topic of how we make mobile work. Here, ExchangeWire recaps on the lively debate. Moderated by Ciaran O’Kane, CEO, ExchangeWire, the panel saw Alexandra [...]

  • Why Omni-channel Marketing Can No Longer Be Avoided by Banks

    The consumer is digital, and no industry knows this better than banking. ExchangeWire speak with Jouk Pleiter (pictured below), CEO, Backbase, about how digital transformation is forcing the banking industry to sit up, take notice, and take an omni-channel approach to marketing [...]

  • People-First Mobile Strategies Win: Q&A with Jess Beldner Maurer, Flashtalking

    It's well documented that advertising investment in mobile lags far behind consumer mobile usage. How can advertisers effectively navigate this space? ExchangeWire speaks with Jess Beldner Maurer, business development director, Flashtalking, about the growing opportunities that exist in mobile and [...]

  • Twitter & Apple Fail to Meet Expectations

    Yesterday (26 April) analysts forecast the first ever quarterly decline in iPhone sales on a year-over-year basis. Overall expectations for Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) earnings were bleak. Analysts' predictions were realised - and stock fell by 8%. This quarter marks Apple's first quarterly sales [...]

  • Engagement: The Next Evolution of Viewability

    There seems to be endless debate around the topic of viewability, a buzzword that has been bouncing around the media echo chamber for some time. As attention shifts from desktop to mobile, this topic continues to plague many marketers and [...]

  • Going Native: Mobile Advertising Genius or False Economy?

    Native is often touted as the solution to combatting ad blocking, particularly in the mobile space; but does it really work? ExchangeWire speaks with Rakhee Jogia (pictured below), regional director of Rakuten Display Europe, Rakuten Marketing, about what brands need [...]

  • ATS Paris: French Ad Tech is Thriving

    Wednesday 13 April saw the sixth annual ATS Paris event take place, proving yet again that French ad tech truly is alive and well. The day kicked off with Ciaran O’Kane, CEO, ExchangeWire, professing his admiration for the French ad [...]

  • Playable Mobile Ads Reap Rewards: Q&A with Jeff Marshall, CEO, CrossInstall

    In-app advertising is big business and is expected to reach over USD$29bn (£20.3bn) in ad spend in 2016. App install ads are an important part of this, with 224 billion apps predicted to be installed this year. With such high competition, [...]

  • Not Investing in Mobile Deprives You of a Major Source of Advertising Effectiveness

    Ahead of his participation in a panel discussion on making data the key to programmatic success at ATS Paris tomorrow, ExchangeWire hears from Benoît Cochet (pictured below), director EMEA audience advertising & programmatic sales, Yahoo, who explains that marketers can't be [...]

  • Cross-Device: An Onion That Gets More Complex as We Peel the Layers Back

    With ATS Paris nearing ever closer, ExchangeWire hears from the upcoming event speakers, to give a flavour of what to expect on the day. Here, ExchangeWire speaks with Jakob Bak, CTO and co-founder, Adform, and Anthony Rhind, CSO, Adform (both [...]