

  • Transparency in a Complex Ecosystem

    Most of us today have experienced that unexpected, high priced mobile phone or cable bill. That one where when you really dig into you find the hidden fees, hardware tax, or extra service you don’t remember signing up for. It [...]

    Most of us today have experienced that unexpected, high priced mobile phone [...]

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  • A Rising Tide of Collaboration Lifts the Programmatic Industry

    Collaboration has long been a favourite subject of mine and one I believe doesn’t get talked about nearly enough. As we move towards the end of another and particularly strange year, it’s worth pausing for reflection. The programmatic landscape is [...]

    Collaboration has long been a favourite subject of mine and one I [...]

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  • Data-Driven Marketing Measurement Strategy Lights the Path to Certainty

    Marketers hold perhaps the most unique position within a company: unlike other divisions, marketing has a vantage point over the ambitions of its business and the sensitivities and needs of its customers. They act as the bridge between business and [...]

    Marketers hold perhaps the most unique position within a company: unlike other [...]

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  • The Future is Mobile - So, How Can Brands Harness It?

    Whilst COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on much of the ad industry, certain channels have been able to ride the storm, experiencing a newfound boost or seeing pre-existing upticks accelerating. Mobile falls into the latter category: whilst global stay-at-home measures have [...]

    Whilst COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on much of the ad industry, certain [...]

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  • The Best Channel for Brands is Mobile Gaming — But Do They Know That?

    While the challenges for publishers have never been greater, this is also true of the opportunities. For starters, the phasing out of the third-party cookie is set to benefit all parties with access to first-party data assets, which publishers have [...]

    While the challenges for publishers have never been greater, this is also [...]

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